Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Childhood Obesity in the United Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Childhood Obesity in the United Kingdom - Essay Example The government has noted the ever-increasing trend in childhood. They have hence come up with a policy that will aid in reversing the trend. In the past 25 years, childhood obesity in the United Kingdom has shown a great increase in the childhood obesity cases. The statistics posit that 33% of the girls between two to nineteen years are obese, while 25% of the boys within the same age limit falls victims too. Most significantly, the condition has led to harmful effects, making the country consume over two billion pounds in policies formulation and implementation. Additionally, the condition had led to the reduction in life expectancy among children by nine years. The number is even projected to rise. England has the highest cases of obesity compared to the United States of America. The survey conducted shows that Wales and Scotland have remained the leading countries in childhood obesity rates. The rising trend has caught the attention of the government. It has declared corporate soc ial responsibility as the final solution to the statistics reduction (Iacobucci, 2014).  The study done by Fraser & Edwards (2010), reveals that diverse reasons related to the environment, lifestyle, diet, socioeconomic status, and genetics encapsulates the causes of childhood obesity. The modern environment plays a great role in the determination of child growth. First, the prevalence of advertisements promoting unhealthy food consumption has been on rising. Besides, the activities within the child environmental growth area cut down physical activity and exercises adoption. Food consumption spearheads the obesity physiology, with consumption of food rich in calories and saturated fats. Furthermore, with the escalation in the concept of globalization and advanced technology, there is the adoption of a tendency to live sedentary lifestyles: more time in watching television and computer games.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Global Warming Essay Example for Free

Global Warming Essay Globalization – a process of integration among countries is taking place as a new trend of the world. The cooperation among individuals and groups bring back many chances as well as challenges in different fields. As students in the era of integration, it is possible for us to realize both sides of this trend. First of all, it can not be denied that students can get many advantages from globalization. Thanks to the cooperation in education, different countries share new technology that support teaching and learning with each other. Students are the objectives who can get benefits from it. They are allowed to explore new sources of knowledge through Internet and other education material such as video conferencing, tape recordings, etc. Therefore, they find that studying is not very difficult as they think, even it is more interesting. Besides, globalization promises them a much brighter future. Students have more chances to get access to new skills, for instance, presentation skill, skill to work with a team, and so on, which are very invaluable for their future career. In addition, the interaction among countries creates a huge market with a plenty of choices of jobs. Thus, the graduates have more options to choose which job is the best and the most suitable for them. Go along with many advantages, students still have to face up with other difficulties. As being mentioned above, modern method of teaching and learning are big advantages for students but they may become obstacles when they are not very suitable and it must take a very long time to get familiar. For example, in many Asian countries, among which has Viet Nam, the feature of education is teacher – centered. When this changes into learner – centered which requires much of individuals’ responsibilities. At first, students who used to depend much on their teachers get shocked and fell it difficult to study with this new method. It may be a problem. What’s more, financial problem is another one. Under the impact of globalization, there has been a trend for the budge for education to be reduced. Government has to spend money on different areas so they do not pay as much attention  as before. As a result, the financial burden is placed on students’ shoulders and their families. In conclusion, globalization as well as other phenomenon has both sides: good and bad. All the impact of this has effects on students. Students get many advantages but also disadvantages. They should be aware of this problem carefully so that they can turn challenges into chances which will support their studying as well as their future.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Dorian Gray And The Lady Of Shallot: Stepping Out Of The Shadows Essay

During one’s life, one must step out into the real world and experience all of what the world has to offer. In order to attain a well-balanced life both mentally and socially, one may seek any way possible to live life to the fullest. We were put on this earth to live- not just simply by breathing in and out everyday, and making life the best it can possibly be. It has been said that you have not really died if you have lived. This theory has been applied to several pieces of literature. In the book The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and â€Å"The Lady of Shallot† by Alfred Lord Tennyson, two characters have not lived their life to the fullest extent. In the aforementioned literature, the characters of Sibyl Vane and the Lady of Shallot lived their lives through the invulnerability of constant security. Sibyl Vane is an actress who is greatly devoted to her acting career. She is so consumed by her realm of acting that she does not experience the many other aspects and joys that life has to offer. All her heart, soul, and mind is put into her hobby, as it envelops her entire existence. Sibyl solely depends on this mindset to carry her throughout her life. Leading a life similar to that of Sibyl Vane’s is the Lady of Shallot. In this poem, she is condemned to weaving and forbidden to ever look out of her window down to the wonderful city of Camelot. If she should look down, a terrible curse shall be laid upon her. Both Sibyl Vane and the Lady of Shallot are artists who lead very sheltered lives and have an unfortunate fate ahead of them. Before the story beings, Oscar Wilde describes the effects that art has on a person. He states, â€Å"All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril. Those who read the symbols do so at their peril. It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors (Wilde 3).† These sheltered lives allow the women to remain in their safe little worlds, apart from what other ways of life the world has to offer. In order for them to lead a less â€Å"curtained† life, they needed to take more chances in hopes of more goodness and reality to welcome into their lives. When speaking to Dorian Gray, Sibyl’s lover, Sibyl admits that her life was consumed by the theatre. She confesses: †¦Before I knew you, acting was the one reality of my life. It was only in the theatre that I lived†¦. I believed in e... ... quite possibly not have been what they were. Experience in dealing with the outside world would have strengthened them to be more independent, stronger people. Furthermore, a broader lesson of these works of literature would be to just get out there and live. Step off the stage, step out of the tower, and hide the mirror. Perhaps take a chance once in a while. Do not just go through the motions of life, and live it to the fullest extent. One can lead a more happy, fearless life if he or she can really go out and experience it. In conclusion, the writings The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde and â€Å"The Lady of Shallot† by Alfred Lord Tennyson convey certain lessons of life. The characters of Sibyl Vane and the Lady of Shallot lived their lives through the sanctity of constant security, and died as a direct result of their shadows. During one’s life, one must step out into the real world and out of the shadows. In order to be balanced both mentally and socially, an individual may pursue any way possible to live life to one’s high expectations. Do not get caught up in life’s shadows. Step out of the darkness and into the light, hoping to not be consumed by the invulnerability

Thursday, October 24, 2019

In order to change a baby’s diaper a person needs the following

There are two things to ensure before the process of changing a baby’s diaper can actually begin. The first is to make sure the baby is securely placed on the changing mat wherever, it may be placed. Some parents prefer a changing table while others prefer a mat on the floor. The second is to have all the things needed to change the diaper within hands reach. (Brown, 2008)Changing a baby's diaper is a simple process. First lay the baby down on his or her back on a changing mat. Now take off the baby's old diaper and slide it out from under his bottom. This can be done by holding the baby's ankles with one hand and lifting his bottom up softly. Roll the soiled diaper up so that the stick-on tabs close the diaper completely. Set it aside out of the baby's reach.Now use wet wipes or damp cotton to wipe the baby's bottom and tap it dry softly with a towel. When completely dry slide a fresh diaper under the baby's bottom with the stick-on tabs going on the underside. You can at thi s stage put on baby lotion or anti-rash cream if needed.Hold the front of the diaper close to the tummy of the baby and pull the stick-on tabs lightly across the baby's side and stick them onto the front of the diaper. They should look equal from both ends and not make the diaper too tight. Stick your index finger into the top of the diaper on the tummy and if it goes in easily the diaper is just right.The process of changing a diaper is simple and parents and caretakers who are accustomed to it can do the whole process is seconds. If you do it enough times it becomes a conditioned reflex. However, for those who have never changed a diaper this process can be a challenge.While it may seem simple there are many ways in which things can go wrong. When someone is changing a diaper for the first time he or she may think that they have a lot of time or enough time to make the change.They may think this and live to regret it. If a baby boy's diaper is being changed then the consequences o f taking one's time once the diaper is off, can be anything from being sprayed with his urine to have the room sprayed with it. It is something like Murphy's Law, if the diaper is off, you will be sprayed. So being quick and efficient is the only way to avoid being drenched.Another person changing the diaper may realize that the baby is not a motionless being. Holding the baby by the ankles is easy. Keeping the baby there so that the diaper can be slid under the baby while trying to ensure that the baby remains on the changing mat is another matter altogether. Only an octopus could manage this feat, some would have you believe. That is why many parents prefer the changing table where they can safely strap the baby in one place and change the diaper without having to worry about the baby sliding off the table.Some babies simply do not like having their bottom wiped. That means the baby that is being changed will be crying hysterically and struggling to get off the changing mat. In th is situation a person changing the diaper might find it hard to take the soiled diaper off, much less put a new one on. The baby’s comfort is first priority and this change of diapers has to be done as quickly as possible.The baby does not like the cold air touching his or her bottom and does not like the wet wipes or cotton on it either. So keeping the hands clean while simultaneously cleaning the bottom and keeping ones sense of sanity, amidst the hysterical screaming is a challenge not all can handle.Changing a diaper is easy. Changing it properly is a whole thing altogether. Parents and caretakers of babies develop a technique which is simple and efficient but to people who have never changed a diaper it’s an alien experience. It is fascinating to watch the faces of individuals who have never performed this feat. You first hear the cooing as they stand by the person changing the diaper. A baby lying on the changing table can be very cute.Then when the diaper comes off soiled and smelly, the expression changes from one of fascination to one of horror. The nose gets wrinkled and the individual inadvertently takes a step back from the table or place where the bay is being changed. Eyes are averted and the stress coming of the body is easy to read. Then when the wiping process is done and the fresh diaper is on the individuals body can be seen to relax and the pent up breath, is released.The funny part is when these very people have babies they become pros in no time. The fact is it is the poop of somebody else’s baby that makes one cringe, not the poop of one’s own fruit of the loins. The diaper is an object of revulsion and fascination all at the same time.There are two groups of people in the world, one who have changed diapers and one who have not. The two can easily be recognized when they come close to a baby and hold him or her. It’s with a tentativeness that is as much awe as fear of what the diaper may bring to them. Changing a baby’s diaper is a process better left to the experts, if the amateurs will insist on performing this feat-they should go in armed, with an extra pair of clothes and time for a shower when all is said and done!References1. Brown, S. (2008) How to Change a Diaper. retrieved from on September 17, 2008

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cultural Relativism Essay

Cultural relativism is the view that all beliefs, customs, and ethics are relative to the individual within his own social context. In other words, â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† are culture-specific; what is considered moral in one society may be considered immoral in another, and, since no universal standard of morality exists, no one has the right to judge another society’s customs. Cultural relativism is widely accepted in modern anthropology. Cultural relativists believe that all cultures are worthy in their own right and are of equal value. Diversity of cultures, even those with conflicting moral beliefs, is not to be considered in terms of right and wrong or good and bad. Today’s anthropologist considers all cultures to be equally legitimate expressions of human existence, to be studied from a purely neutral perspective. Cultural relativism is closely related to ethical relativism, which views truth as variable and not absolute. What constitutes right and wrong is determined solely by the individual or by society. Since truth is not objective, there can be no objective standard which applies to all cultures. No one can say if someone else is right or wrong; it is a matter of personal opinion, and no society can pass judgment on another society. Cultural relativism sees nothing inherently wrong (and nothing inherently good) with any cultural expression. So, the ancient Mayan practices of self-mutilation and human sacrifice are neither good nor bad; they are simply cultural distinctives, akin to the American custom of shooting fireworks on the Fourth of July. Human sacrifice and fireworks—both are simply different products of separate socialization. In January 2002, when President Bush referred to terrorist nations as an â€Å"axis of evil,† the cultural relativists were mortified. That any society would call another society â€Å"evil† is anathema to the relativist. The current movement to â€Å"understand† radical Islam—rather than to fight it—is a sign that relativism is making gains. The cultural relativist believes Westerners should not impose their ideas on the Islamic world, including the idea that the suicide bombing of civilians is evil. Islamic belief in the necessity of jihad is just as valid as any belief in Western civilization, the relativists assert, and America is as much to blame for the attacks of 9/11 as are the terrorists. Cultural relativists are generally opposed to missionary work. When the Gospel penetrates hearts and changes lives, some cultural change always follows. For example, when Don and Carol Richardson evangelized the Sawi tribe of the Netherlands New Guinea in 1962, the Sawi changed: specifically, they gave up their long-held customs of cannibalism and immolating widows on their husbands’ funeral pyres. The cultural relativists may accuse the Richardsons of cultural imperialism, but most of the world would agree that ending cannibalism is a good thing. (For the complete story of the Sawis’ conversion as well as an exposition of cultural reform as it relates to missions, see Don Richardson’s book Peace Child.) Cultural relativism is the principle that an individual human’s beliefs and activities should be understood by others in terms of that individual’s own culture. This principle was established as axiomatic inanthropological research by Franz Boas in the first few decades of the 20th century and later popularized by his students. Boas first articulated the idea in 1887: â€Å"†¦civilization is not something absolute, but †¦ is relative, and †¦ our ideas and conceptions are true only so far as our civilization goes.†[1] but did not actually coin the term â€Å"cultural relativism.†

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Welfare State A Cost Benefit Analysis essays

The Welfare State A Cost Benefit Analysis essays The Welfare State - A Cost Benefit Analysis The role of welfare within our society has always been controversial. This problem emphasizes the need to understand the roles of variable factors when pertaining to the subject of welfare within our society. The proposed analysis will address the phenomenon of welfare assistance and several factors which may contribute to the increase or decrease of welfare assistance to the poor in 4 ways: (1) by defining major concepts and any other concepts about which there is likely to be misunderstanding (2) by further examining the past history pertaining to the subject of welfare assistance within the United States; (3) by developing the formulation of a hypothesis which will provide for an explanation of welfare; and finally (4) determining whether or not the benefits of welfare assistance outweigh the cost. Ultimately, the purpose of this research analysis is to investigate variable factors that may contribute to the increase or decrease of welfare assistance. This cost benefit analysis is an attempt to explain the tentative assumptions of others pertaining to the subject of welfare, in order to determine and explain the relationship of welfare to the economic cost and benefits. Before welfare assistance can be analyzed there is a need to define the terms that will be used. Policies like welfare assistance are worthwhile only if the benefits to society are greater than the costs. When choosing among a set of policies, the policy with the greatest net benefit (benefit over cost) should be chosen. Hence, this is where the term cost-benefit analysis comes from. Cost-benefit analysis is a technique for determining the optimal level of an economic activity such as welfare. In general, an activity such as welfare assistance should be expanded as long as it leads to greater benefits than costs. In purely economic terms, does the benefit of welfare assistance justify the costs of welf...

Monday, October 21, 2019

An Online Degree This Coming Summer Essay Example

An Online Degree This Coming Summer Essay Example An Online Degree This Coming Summer Essay An Online Degree This Coming Summer Essay The summer months are generally a season reserved for relaxation, family trips, and perhaps the pursuit of a warm weather hobby that we have more time to enjoy. But for others, the summer months are a time in which more significant goals can be met – especially when the days are longer, and people have more energy to set out plans that can be met without the pressure of the holidays and dreaded winter blahs. For those seeking to pursue educational goals, the summer offers a perfect time to begin the pursuit of an online degree. With no need for travel, no requirement to sit in class, and the only resources needed a computer and the assigned books, students find that an online degree can be worked towards steadily during the summer when there is more time to spare. In fact, with laptop computers an ever popular possession, students are literally able to work from anywhere – logging on from the beach, from a family vacation spot, or simply from their backyard where they can they can work diligently and still enjoy the warm weather with their family and friends. The pursuit of an online degree differs from traditional degrees only in location. Online degree programs generally adhere to the same syllabus as traditional classes; the only difference is that students logon to complete assignments, required reading, and even to take tests. Many will find that the flexibility offered through online degree programs allows to them to work more productively as they are working during time periods that are most convenient for them rather than trying to fit school into an already busy schedule. Further, the summer marks the perfect time to begin the process of earning an online degree as students can take just one or two classes rather than feel it necessary to load up on classes. With online degree programs students can have their cake and eat it too – school and the warm days of summer.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How To Improve Your Keyword Research With Ann Smarty From Internet Marketing Ninjas [AMP 024] - CoSchedule Blog

How To Improve Your Keyword Research With Ann Smarty From Internet Marketing Ninjas [AMP 024] Blog Keyword research: Is it dead, or is it still a helpful strategy when developing your content? The answer is that it’s still a vital part of many marketers’ strategies! If you know how to use keyword research and SEO properly, you know they’re not going anywhere! Today’s guest is Ann Smarty, the brand and community manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas. She is also the founder of She’ll be sharing advice on finding core terms, find good keywords, structure your content, and a whole lot more. This episode is jam-packed with valuable information, so take the time to listen. A bit about Ann and what she does at Internet Marketing Ninjas and with her other projects. What Ann thinks about the misnomer that keyword research is dead and why she believes keyword research is so beneficial for content marketing. Where to start if you are new to keyword research: finding the right core terms and focusing on keywords that have high demand and low competition. What keyword intent is and why it’s important for a marketer to understand it. Ann talks about the difference between informational intent, transactional intent, commercial intent, and navigational intent. Where to put keywords within the content: Does keyword frequency and specific placement matter? Ann shares her best recommendation. An explanation of keyword strings and how they play a role in search engine optimization. Ann’s best piece of advice for someone brand new to keyword research. Links: Ann on LinkedIn Internet Marketing Ninjas MyBlogU MyBlogGuest Google Keyword Planner Serpstat The Ultimate Content Marketer’s Guide to Keyword Research If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes by Ann: â€Å"Keyword research is evolving and it will be there for many years to come.† â€Å"Brainstorm with your team and write down which terms describe your business best.† â€Å"Don’t try to optimize everything. Focus on creating in-depth content.†How To Improve Your Keyword Research With Ann Smarty From Internet Marketing Ninjas [AMP 024]Transcript Nathan: Keyword research is dead, right? Or not. It turns out some marketers just misunderstand how to use keywords effectively within their content. At least that’s what you’ll learn from Ann Smarty. She’s the Community and Brand Manager at Internet Marketing Ninjas and the founder of And as Ann knows, neither keyword research nor SEO are going anywhere. What should you do now? You can listen to Ann share some super practical advice on this episode of the Actionable Marketing Podcast. You’re about to learn how to find your core terms, research valuable keywords, estimate your competition, understand your searcher’s intent, structure your content, organize everything and a whole lot more. I’m Nathan from and I am super pumped about this jam packed episode. Let’s hear what Ann has to share. Hey Ann, thanks a lot for being on the podcast today. Ann: Thanks for having me. Nathan: I’m super glad to be having you. I know that we’ve been following a lot of the content that you’re creating, so you are a great mind to be talking to about SEO in general. With that, I was wondering if you could tell me a bit about yourself and what you do. Ann: Absolutely. Right now, I’m Brand and Community Manager at Internet Marketing Ninja, that’s the company based in New York, United States. I’ve been into search marketing for probably 10 years now. I’ve lost count and I came from Ukraine, which is where I started, which is where I got known and which is where I got invited to the United States to pursue my career here. I have a few side personal projects as well. My oldest project is MyBlogGuest, I guess many people know that one. I also have my Viral Content B and MyBlogU right now, those are platforms for bloggers to promote their content, to come up with content ideas, to help each other, that kind of stuff. I specialize in marketing tools, I know lots of them, I do a lot of blogging. I’m pretty well versed with keyword research, content brainstorming and stuff like that. Nathan: I think that’s a great transition to what we want to talk about today with the topic of keyword research and especially for content marketing. To begin this conversation, sometimes I hear that folks say keyword research is dead. I’d really love to hear your perspective on this. What’s your take on keyword research being dead or dying? Ann: The short answer, it’s not. I know where this rumor is coming from because search engines got so much advanced, they do not need so much mathematics right now to understand what people are searching, so that’s why people think that they do not rely on keywords as much as they used to. Which is partially true but keyword research is more evolving than dying. It’s much less about exact keyword strings and much more about in depth content, concepts mentioning all those entities and stuff. It’s evolving, becoming more natural because it’s adapting to mobile searching where people just say what they to find instead of typing those keywords. It’s evolving but it’s still there and it probably will be there for a lot of years to come because it helps people to understand demand, they help people, they help us to understand what people are interested in, they help in brainstorming, they help structure your content. It’s definitely alive and thriving. Nathan: Maybe just to dig a little bit deeper into some of those benefits, I was wondering if you could explain why keyword research is so important for content marketing? Ann: First of all, keywords are words, terms that people type or say into the search engine to find whatever they are looking for. That means the more popular their keyword is, the more we know about the demand of that particular audience. If they tend to type ‘Vegetarian restaurants in Atlanta,’ that tells us that probably there are many vegetarians that cannot find a good restaurant in that particular area. That shows the demand and that shows how we can cater to that demand. That’s the first step for us to analyze what people are interested in in your industry. Secondly, keyword research helps in brainstorming content. If you want to dig deeper into what people are looking for, you can write content about that type of thing, answering those questions, so people can search and find your article. It’s very useful analytics and competitive advantage too. Nathan: Ann, we know that keyword research is not dead, it’s really important to connect with your audience searching for stuff that you’re writing about. I was wondering if you could explain where should someone start who’s new to keyword research? Ann: The first step is to understand what is your core terms. That’s where we start any keyword research that we use. The core term is probably what you yourself should definitely find yourself because you’re in that industry, you know what you’re doing, you know what type of business you’re owning. It’s the word that we are going to expand with all those other little words to go with. For example, if I’m in the restaurant business again, my keyword is not the restaurant because I don’t want to rank for restaurant in the Google Search, first it’s impossible. Secondly, it’s probably useless because people are not looking for just restaurant. They are looking for restaurant in your area, they’re looking for vegetarian restaurants, they are looking for more specific things. That core term is really your first thing you want to rank in Google. Again, if I’m in the restaurant business, I want to rank to for restaurants in Atlanta because that’s where I want people to find me. Or if I’m creating a content course, I want to rank for content marketing course in Google for people to find me, that’s my core term I want to rank in. That’s up to you which your core term is. Nathan: It makes a lot of sense. Ranking for something like restaurant doesn’t really help you out. People could be searching for a definition or something like that. I want to explore the idea of core terms just a little bit more. How can a marketer find those core terms? Ann: First just regular brainstorming probably with your team, you sit down, you just write down which terms describe your business best. If you are really new to the industry, which is of course also an option, you go to things like glossaries, you just search those words on Google and find thesaurus or other generic things that you don’t know about the industry and you find those terms that describe whatever you’re doing. You find maybe synonyms to your obvious terms that you know, there is also a good tool that Google provides, it’s changing all the time. I’m still using it but it’s not that as easy as it used to be, but still it’s a good one, Google AdWords Keyword Planner Tool. You type your word there, it will show you not just that word but also related terms, terms that people tend to be interested in when they are searching for your words. You create a list. Don’t do too many, 10 core terms is a great list to start with. Nathan: Another thing about keyword planning and keyword research is valuable keywords, this is something you’ve written about. I was wondering if you could define what you mean by valuable keywords. How can a marketer find those valuable keywords? Ann: Let’s go back to that restaurant example of ours. It’s an easy example that’s why I keep going back to it. Restaurant is not your term, it’s a generic term that people could type but you will not really benefit from ranking there. Let’s say your core term is restaurant in Atlanta. That’s the word you ideally want to rank for in top five, probably top three in Google. But it’s an obvious one and probably it’s very tough to rank for because it has that huge competition that will be very hard to beat and it will take years to get there. It’s a good word but it’s probably not that valuable for you. The idea of keyword research is find those terms that not only have high demand but they also have low competition, those gold things that you want to be on top of Google and it will not take you as much time to rank for your really obvious core term. Nathan: Something there you just mentioned was competition. I was wondering if you could explain for me how you estimate competition for keywords? Ann: First of all using the tools. The tool that I just mentioned, Google Keyword Planner has that built in, they would show you the competition, it’s either low, medium or high. Beware that it’s the competition in Google AdWords. Those are probably not necessarily the competition in Google search that will be the same. For example, again, if you want to check restaurant, it might not have a huge competition Google AdWords because no one want to pay money to rank there but it’s really huge competition in generic Google search. Take that in mind but do use the data. Another tool that I’m using is Serpstat, they also show the completion and the tool lets you filter or sort results by competition. For example you can check the filters and only see low competitive results. But again, it’s also based on commercial data. Those advertises that pay money to rank in Google. Once you have your list of core terms and other terms that you want to rank for, make sure to search them in Google and see some signs of lower competitive terms. I’ll first describe the signs of high competitive terms. If you see many homepages ranking on top 10 in Google, that’s probably a competitive term because homepages are the most powerful pages of websites. If they dominate top 10 in Google, that means a lot of websites want to be there, it’s probably not that easy to be among them. Look for terms that have the variety of searchers out, sometimes it’s the homepage, sometimes you see a nautical ranking there. Those are terms that will not be that hard to beat. Another thing to check is huge sites. If you see huge players ranking on top 10, like Wikipedia, Amazon, eBay, all those searches are really, really hard to outrank because those are very powerful domains. They can be different in different industries, you probably know the biggest corporate players in your industry so look out for them. If they dominate top 10, it will be hard to be among them if you’re a small business for example. My biggest and most useful advice is just search Google for those terms you want to rank for and look for those signs, see how difficult it might be to be there on top with them. Nathan: I want to explore just another facet. I think another really big part of keywords research is understanding intent. I was wondering if you could explain just a little bit about what is keyword intent and why it might be important for a marketer to understand? Ann: Keyword intent represents what a person who types those words in Google is willing to do, the action, the action they are going to take. Some people search Google to find information. This is informational intent, they really want to find articles to understand more about the concept. They are not really going to go any further and buy or spend money at this point of time. This is informational intent. There is another type of keyword intent, it’s called transactional. That’s really when a person wants to buy something. That’s a very commercial intent and that’s when you will see a lot of Google Ads on top because advertisers are ready to pay money to be there. And there is also the third type of keyword intent that’s called navigational. That’s when a searcher wants to find a company, they know which brand they’re searching for. For example if I type Valentine’s Day gift Amazon, I probably want to find those valentines gift ideas on Amazon. I’m not really much interested in any other domains that can be there. That’s called navigational keyword intent. Some people also distinguish the fourth type of keyword intent that’s called commercial. That’s something in the middle between information and transactional. Some people search for valentine gift ideas, that means they want to read more about that, get inspired, brainstorm. When they find something really worthy, when they feel inspired, they’re also willing to buy. That’s both informational and transactional intent. If you are lucky or if you do a good job at creating content and inspire people, you may end up with a sale as well. Nathan: Another part of this is just making sure that everything’s organized behind the scenes with all of the different sorts of keywords intents and different core terms that we have. I was wondering if you could explain for us how do you organize your keywords. Ann: Keywords can be overwhelming when you start researching or looking using all those tools I mentioned. You will see that you have list and list, dozens of keywords. If you export to Excel, you will end up with hundreds of them. Without proper organization, you will probably be lost and the keyword research process will not be useful for you as much. Start organizing those keywords with the very first tool you’re using. It is the first step, not just collecting list by list and then doing something with it, no. Start right now and start with the first type. The most obvious one, organize by intent. If you see some keywords that you think are informational, put them in a different spreadsheet or different column and assign a content team to take care of those. If you see keywords with transactional intent, that’s something to probably give to your sales people or whoever is managing your product listings for them to understand which products to put on top, which products needs to have some more content descriptions, maybe reviews, how to put those products that people are mostly interested in on them, on top, give them some priority. If that’s commercial intent, keywords with commercial intent can be both sold great content but make sure to mention those products in that content as well. The navigational intent is for your reputation management team probably. Make sure from reading those keywords lists, you already know what to do, which action and which team is going to take care of those. From there you can go to organize by action, some keywords can become new content so you assign action, create new content, the other keywords maybe better for your already existing content so you will reoptimize your old content and URL, what you’re doing.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There is also another way to organize those keywords is by content tab. You are going to create frequently asked question section or there could be a blog post or that could be an in depth guide on ebook, for example or it could be glossaries, product reviews, all those types of content that you are going to create, put those ideas next to those keywords right when you’re going through them. That’s a good start for organizing those keyword research ideas that you have. Nathan: I was wondering, let’s just say we have a bunch of ideas, we know what we’re going to execute, let’s say we’re actually creating the content, I’m wondering if you could share where we put keywords within our content? Ann: It’s a funny question it used to be different in the past when people had those notion of keyword frequency within the article. You knew that you had to mention this keyword x amount of times and Google will understand this article is about this keyword. It’s the oldest SEO tactic under the sun and people still get confused because they still think it’s a valid one. These days, we don’t recommend doing any keyword frequency or percentage in text, it just makes the content sound funny. What I prefer is putting those keywords in important parts of the article. It could be the title, the actual main name of the article and the page that you have. Make sure that you mention your keyword there. The most prominent part of the article of any web page is its title. First, it’s what people see in search results when they search. If you’re doing a good job, people search for Atlanta restaurant, you will see those keywords bold in search results there in title and that’s why people click. It’s the most important part of the page to put your keyword into. Probably mention that somewhere on top of the article so that people will see that that’s what they want to see, understand that, hey, this keyword is mentioned so I’m staying on this page and then I’m reading through the site, it’s a good way to decrease the bounce rate of the page and get people through into that content is to mention those keywords in the first two paragraphs, I would say. Another good place is the top headings, those sub sections of the webpage. For example if I was writing about, I don’t know, again, if I have a list of Atlanta restaurants, I have subheadings about vegetarian restaurants, steak restaurants, Indian restaurants, Mexican restaurants, all those top headings make sure not just say vegetarian restaurants but use your main keyword, vegetarian restaurants in Atlanta. Don’t forget to use the whole keyword on those top headings where you list those restaurants further. Those top headings is really important. Also, the URL of the page. The actual URL is also a good place to put those keywords into. Make sure your content does sound natural, so don’t go all crazy about putting those keywords as often as possible. Find those prominent places that search engines and your readers will see on the spot, so they will understand, hey this is the page I was looking for. Nathan: I think that’s a really great breakdown Ann. Thank you for that. One other part that’s really important for keyword is understanding keyword strings and I was wondering if you could explain what keyword strings are and how they might play a role with search engine optimization? Ann: Keyword string is the exact way a keyword is placed in search. It’s the exact query. It also causes lots of confusion. For example, what should I rank for, Atlanta restaurant or restaurant in Atlanta? Those are two different keyword strings and we want to make sure that both of them make it to your page. It’s not as important as it used to be, and the past Google relied very heavily on those keyword strings. If you rank for Atlanta restaurant, you were nowhere to be found for the restaurants in Atlanta. These days, Google understand that much better. If you’re on top on Google for one phrase, you will be somewhere in the same position for another things as well because Google knows that’s the same way people just put in the search box. Make sure you understand those related keyword strings and you mention them somewhere in the article but don’t create different pages for each of them. That was a very popular tactic back in the days, creating separate page for Atlanta restaurant in the singular, separate page for Atlanta restaurants, plural, separate page for restaurants in Atlanta, we had all those different pages targeting each keyword string. These days it’s not about that. Create one in depth page targeting all of them and mentioning all the related concepts, entities, synonyms, everything that make the article rich and the content of the page rich. That’s why I mentioned that in the article don’t try to optimize for everything but focus on creating in depth and right content that includes all the concepts, all of the entities, all the synonyms and that’s how Google understands that this is a content worth of ranking high. Nathan: I think all of this has been really great advice. I have just one more piece to ask you about this. Let’s say that someone is brand new to this, what would be your best advice for someone new to keyword research? Where do they even begin? Ann: Begin with your head, first of all. No one will be as good as you in telling what your site is about. I mean it. You somehow ended up in that industry, you somehow ended up in that Niche, you somehow found it. Start with how you would be looking for what you’re doing, how you would search for that. Create the list of three or five words that you yourself are using to find something and then just branch out, find synonyms, related terms using tools like Serpstat, Hrap, STM Rush, again Google Keyword Planner. Play with those tools for a week before you understand what are your valuable terms and search for everything that you find on Google. One more thing here, make sure that you disable those personalized results because you would see your own private results and they will mess up with what you’re searching, so disable that. Search for every, every keyword that you are looking to include in your website and optimize full. Nathan: Ann, I think that’s really great advice, I want to say thanks a lot for being on the podcast, for sharing your advice on keyword research even optimizing our content using keyword strings. This was great. Thank you so much! Ann: Thank you for having me. Thanks a lot. Nathan: A little over a year ago, our blog manager Ben joined the team here at . Ben came to with a ton of SEO knowledge and when he implemented the best practices Ann covered in this episode, we grew our organic search traffic by literally hundreds of thousands of views that helped us boost our traffic dramatically which in turn helped us generate bigger results. Thanks Ann for sharing all of your advice on keyword research and thanks to you too for checking out this episode of the Actionable Marketing Podcast.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Physical Dimensions of Human Occupation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Physical Dimensions of Human Occupation - Essay Example The other actuators of the humerus are the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other actuators of the humerus are the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. As one raises one's arms, all eight muscles are utilized in reaching and gripping the mug and bringing it down. The three muscular joints are utilized: the sternoclavicular joint, the acromioclavicular joint and the glenohumeral joint. Extension and flexion of arms and shoulders The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other actuators of the humerus are the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. Eccentric 5 Choose one of the movements above and discuss the way the joint and surrounding structures enable the movement (600 words) Extension /Flexion: Proximal and Distal Interphalangeal JointsThe other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other actuators of the humerus are the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. As one raises one's arms, all eight muscles are utilized in reaching and gripping the mug and bringin g it down. The three muscular joints are utilized: the sternoclavicular joint, the acromioclavicular joint and the glenohumeral joint. These joints are affected with the movement of raising and lowering one's arms. The fingers affect the movement as the person grips the mug and carries it to the work surface. The other muscles are the levator scapulae, the rhomboids, the trapezius, the rotator cuff, the subscapularis/teres major, the infraspinatus/teres minor for controlling the axial rotations, and the supraspinatus/deltoideus which handle the abduction. The other actuators of the humerus are the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major. The upper limb makes a very significant contribution to most activities of daily living and impairments can

Friday, October 18, 2019

Slavery Like A Social Vice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Slavery Like A Social Vice - Essay Example The victimization that included inhumane treatments and subjection to intense maltreatments were the abject manifestation of disregard to the fundamental rights of the people. The groups did not enjoy any liberty as the slave owners treated them as part of their property. They endured punitive jobs in callous conditions in order to sustain the profitability the white capitalists demanded from their investments. Slavery further led to the seclusion of the African Americans and the subsequent discrimination of the group. The cruel treatment of the African Americans influenced their mindset of the whites and cruelty the minority group expressed against the whites in retaliation. The post-slavery American society relied on the integration of all the races that make up the American society. The new American society required the participation and contribution of all the tribes since the government could not develop a mechanism of transferring the slaves back to their native lands. This imp lied that they would become Americans a feature that required their seamless incorporation into the society. This would however not happen easily owing to the negative attitude that the African Americans among other smaller populations that served as slaves developed against the whites. The African Americans did not feel the sense of belongingness for a long time even after the successful abolition of slavery owing to the negativity they accumulated over the slavery period and the cruelty they endured in the hands of the whites.

Geology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 8

Geology - Essay Example The calcites are usually transparent or opaque and have traces of phosphorescence and/or fluorescence hence when used to view objects, they appear double. This is why its use for optical purposes. It occurs naturally owing to the marine decomposition of hard planktons like red algae, echinoderms, and sponges and it is found in limestone, volcanic, kimberlites, sedimentary or peridotites. It is used especially in military for in gun sights .It has also agricultural uses like stabilization of soil and concrete repair. Marcasite or white iron pyrite is a product of iron (Fe) and sulphur (s), to form Iron sulfide (Fes3). It has black metallic appearance and changes to brown or yellowish color. Its occurrence is primary or secondary in nature. Primarily, it occurs in highly acidic and with low temperatures conditions, mainly on sedimentary rocks or hydrothermal veins. In secondary, it is formed on alteration of chemicals of a parent mineral such as chalcopyrite. It reacts in high humidity to form iron (II) suphate and sulphuric acid. It is used mainly used for ornamental purposes and a source of sulphur. Galena is the natural form of the mineral lead sulphide and is the main ore for both silver and lead. It is also called lead glances and distributed widely on the sulphide minerals. It is mainly used to make lead- acid batteries, lead sheets and

Thursday, October 17, 2019

IUD Birth Control Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IUD Birth Control - Case Study Example An IUD is positioned in the uterus by a healthcare specialist to prevent unwanted pregnancies and/or for family planning purposes. There are two types of IUD contraceptives; Mirena and Paragard (Grimes, 2007). Mirena is the type of IUD that contains hormones. Its functionality depends on levonorgestrel, a hormone released from the IUD once inserted into the uterus. In other words, Mirena is a hormonal IUD which prevents pregnancies for the period it remains inserted into the uterus. The effectiveness of this IUD contraceptive can last for up to a period of five years, although this effectiveness is not a hundred percent guaranteed. However, Mirena is slightly more effective compared to copper IUD. Paragard is another IUD contraceptive, and it is most commonly used compared to the hormonal IUD. In this IUD, the T-shaped plastic device is wrapped with a copper wire, preventing pregnancies by killing sperm through the toxicity of the copper wire wound around the plastic device’s stem (Grimes, 2007). This type of IUD can remain inserted into the uterus for up to a period of ten years, the period throughout which it remains effective. Just like the hormonal IUD, Paragard’s effectiveness is not a hundred percent guaranteed, since cases of pregnancies have been reported even with this IUD still fitted into the uterus. Both the above identified IUD contraceptives (Mirena and Paragard) prevent pregnancies from occurring. They do so by hindering the egg fertilization by the sperm. The mode of functionality is ether damaging the sperm to a point that it cannot fertilize the egg, or killing it altogether, meaning that the fertilization cannot, therefore, take place. Mirena damages or kills the sperm using a form of hormone progestin known as levonorgestrel (Fritz & Speroff, 2011). Mirena also thickens the mucus found in the cervix, making it sticky and unfavorable for sperm to get to the uterus. Over and above damaging or killing the sperm, Mirena makes

Implementation of organisational identification Essay

Implementation of organisational identification - Essay Example Organizational identification is, according to Gemmiti (2008, 6), â€Å"an individual’s knowledge of belonging or membership to a group of members of the organization.† This knowledge of belonging to a particular organization is heavily based on emotions and has a great influence on an individual’s behavior. The identification comes with an employee’s understanding and realizing of how their personal goals and values are aligned with the goals and values of the organization. Finally, as such goals, norms and values are aligned, the employee adds that group membership to their overall self-concept (Meyer, Becker, and Van Dick 2006). Therefore, it can be said that organizational identification refers to whether an employee associates themselves with the organization in which they work and whether an employee views themselves as a part of the organization. According to Van Dick, Grojean, Christ, and Wieseke (2006), the concept of social identity can help to determine how organizational identification is related to organizational citizenship (Van Dick, Grojean, Christ, and Wieseke 2006). The two concepts, according to the researchers (Van Dick, Grojean, Christ, and Wieseke 2006), are positively related because individuals’ self-concepts are formed on the basis of belonging to certain organization. The stronger the feeling of belonging is, the more effort a person is willing to devote to the development of that organization. Therefore, in an organization, the more organizational goals and norms are in line with those of the individual, the more devoted that individual is to the organization. So, organizationa l commitment is also related to organizational identification. Organizational commitment is very important for employers because it determines the level of employee performance, job satisfaction, absenteeism and other productivity-related factors. This paper critically examines the concept of organizational identification, and analyzes how it is related to organizational performance, individual performance, job satisfaction and productivity. Literature review Organizational identification and organizational commitment An empirical study conducted by He and Mukherjee (2008) examined how organizational identification was related to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The research was conducted with Chinese salespeople and showed that organizational identification represents a link between job satisfaction and job commitment. Job satisfaction was divided by the researchers into intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic job satisfaction referred to how employees viewed their partic ular jobs. Extrinsic job satisfaction included employee’s satisfaction by their working conditions, such as pay, environment, and management. The two different types of job satisfaction related differently to both organizational identification and organizational commitment. In particular, as He and Mukherjee (2008, 2) outline, †extrinsically motivated job satisfaction has a stronger relationship with organisational identification than intrinsically motivated job satisfaction.† The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire was used by the researchers to measure job satisfaction. An Organisational Commitment Questionnaire was used for measuring organizational commitment. Finally, an Organizational identification measure designed by Ashforth and Mael (1992) was used to measure organizational identification of 438 Chinese salespeople representing real estate industry. The results showed that extrinsic job satisfaction had a positive influence on organizational id

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

IUD Birth Control Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IUD Birth Control - Case Study Example An IUD is positioned in the uterus by a healthcare specialist to prevent unwanted pregnancies and/or for family planning purposes. There are two types of IUD contraceptives; Mirena and Paragard (Grimes, 2007). Mirena is the type of IUD that contains hormones. Its functionality depends on levonorgestrel, a hormone released from the IUD once inserted into the uterus. In other words, Mirena is a hormonal IUD which prevents pregnancies for the period it remains inserted into the uterus. The effectiveness of this IUD contraceptive can last for up to a period of five years, although this effectiveness is not a hundred percent guaranteed. However, Mirena is slightly more effective compared to copper IUD. Paragard is another IUD contraceptive, and it is most commonly used compared to the hormonal IUD. In this IUD, the T-shaped plastic device is wrapped with a copper wire, preventing pregnancies by killing sperm through the toxicity of the copper wire wound around the plastic device’s stem (Grimes, 2007). This type of IUD can remain inserted into the uterus for up to a period of ten years, the period throughout which it remains effective. Just like the hormonal IUD, Paragard’s effectiveness is not a hundred percent guaranteed, since cases of pregnancies have been reported even with this IUD still fitted into the uterus. Both the above identified IUD contraceptives (Mirena and Paragard) prevent pregnancies from occurring. They do so by hindering the egg fertilization by the sperm. The mode of functionality is ether damaging the sperm to a point that it cannot fertilize the egg, or killing it altogether, meaning that the fertilization cannot, therefore, take place. Mirena damages or kills the sperm using a form of hormone progestin known as levonorgestrel (Fritz & Speroff, 2011). Mirena also thickens the mucus found in the cervix, making it sticky and unfavorable for sperm to get to the uterus. Over and above damaging or killing the sperm, Mirena makes

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fictitious Business Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fictitious Business Description - Essay Example When choosing suitable HRIS, there are a lot of factors or questions to consider. The following are just few of the important factors to consider. One of the most important things to consider is to know the degree of flexibility and scalability that the HR information technology software provides. This should address if the software can import data from multiple Excel spreadsheets, databases, and paper documents and the level with which it can interface with all kinds of systems and data. Another factor to consider is if the software can accommodate the rules of the company and the benefit carriers as to make sure that each enrolment activity will be evaluated and necessary combination of rules can be applied. The next thing to consider is the ability to grow as the company grows with new employees, offices, benefit changes and rules. The capability of the software to integrate with other systems should also be considered. The company should also know who is responsible for implement ing or building the solution and must have a clear understanding of the level of training and expertise required and amount of time expected. The data should make sure that the data is owned by the Human Resources organization. Company should also take a look at the upkeep and maintenance required. There are still numerous questions to consider. ... Within the human resource management area, these decisions include recruitment decisions; job analysis and design decisions, training and development decisions, and employee compensation plan decisions. In a Tactical Information System, this type of information system includes Job Analysis and Design Information Systems, Recruitment Information Systems, Compensation and Benefits Information Systems, and Employee Trainings and Development Systems. The Job Analysis and Design Information Systems can help Mr. Morgan in his problem about answering questions and communicating with his employees. This information system is designed to take care of the information inputted to the job analysis from interviews with workers, supervisors, labour unions, government, competitors and other external sources (Types of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), n.d.). The output from this will provide Mr. Morgan the basis for strategic human resource decisions. The Recruiting Information Systems will be very helpful to Mr. Morgan. This information system will collect and process the information needed to create a plan which includes the list of vacant positions, with the corresponding responsibilities and requirements; list of employees for transfer, termination, retirement and even summaries for appraisal of employees (Types of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS), n.d.). The other component of tactical HRIS is the Compensation and Benefits Information Systems which will help Mr. Morgan in taking care of the employees’ payroll. This information system will help the company when it comes to the payroll of employees by taking care of the information

Monday, October 14, 2019

To live a purposeful life, you need a clear VISION Essay Example for Free

To live a purposeful life, you need a clear VISION Essay If you live each day as if it was your last, someday you’ll certainly be right†¦ (Steve Jobs) †¢If today was my last day in my life, would I do what I am about to do today? †¢If the answer is â€Å"NO† for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. †¢All external expectation, fear, pride, embarrassment and almost everything falls away in the face of the ending of a life, leaving what is truly important †¢No one wants to die,†¦but even if I lived, I live as if this life is a gift lent to me, which I shall someday exchange for another purer life †¢Do not shrink your inner voice at the altar of others’ noise and false reports†¦somewhere in your heart, God has placed a treasure which only you can dig out and benefit from. †¢To dig this treasure will take you a while. You will have to plan to know exactly what it is, and exactly where it is. You’ll have to have the right crew by your side. †¢This treasure, planning, journey and digging is what I am calling VISION†¦ Vision is not only the power to see, but also of foresight and imagination. Even the visually impaired have this power†¦the ability to see and comprehend beyond what their brains could interpret as optical data. Human beings have the ability to translate words and instructions imaginatively. We are able to draw mental pictures more clearly than we can even draw on paper or explain verbally. The greatest gift is not the ability to see, but this ability of vision. God put dreams where we cannot miss them. Because of vision, I am the best raw material to myself. A vision is a supernatural appearance, which only a supernatural ability can make comprehendible and tangible. †¢Where there is no vision, people perish†¦Prov 29:18 †¢My people perish because of lack of knowledge†¦Hosea 4:6 †¢Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than we ask or imagine according to His power that is at work within us†¦Ephesians 3:20 †¢Prov 1:7 and 9:10†¦The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge/ wisdom. †¢Habakkuk 2:2†¦write the vision down†¦though it tarry’s, it shall come to pass †¢Do not despise the days of your humble beginnings†¦Job 8:7 VISION PART II By Dominic Khaemba From: The Ageless Note-book Teach me oh Lord to number my days that I may gain a heart of wisdom and lead a fulfilling life to you, myself, family and friends†¦Psalms 90:12 This section will make a stronger connection if you read it as a follow-up to part I. You can never remember what you never knew, and you can never apply what you cannot remember. As the world changes and perfects the struggles and the suffering that we face; as the world changes and justifies the insignificance of individual strength by being too complicated and fast; many people find themselves feeling impatient, hopeless and unworthy: When this happens, you need a reminder that you are still on a journey, and that your best days are ahead. But you cannot tell if you’re your best days are ahead if you have nothing to look forward to. This is where a vision for your life comes in as the ability to anticipate future events, touch them and believe in them as if they were real. Also, you will need a reminder of what your future plans are†¦but since you cannot remember what you never knew, you therefore come back to Knowledge as; a clear awareness and information gained through devoted study and Experience. This knowledge is what you shall apply in preparing for your future and this preparedness is what keeps us from despairing too quickly when overwhelmed by circumstances around us. Our creative imagination also plays a big part in determining how far God chooses to bless us. If we do not use this faculty to envision better lives for ourselves in the future, we limit God in terms of how much He also decides to bestow on us. Eph 3:20. Knowledge does two important things. It distinguishes us from fools and it is a sure preservative of our lives. But the knowledge acquired in the boundaries of God’s instruction is the one that is able to do this. Otherwise, this knowledge is useless†¦and can quickly turn our hearts into pride. Pride goes before a fall. From the verses above, without knowledge and vision, we perish. Without creative imagination, we receive little from God. It is only in the fear of the Lord that our knowledge can begin to yield better lives for us and the people around us. Living as you move towards your dreams is a life full of joy and peace in dimensions and depths one can never experience otherwise. With a sense of calling, †¢MY VISION IS ENLARGED THROUGH IMAGINATION and this way, †¢I won’t MIND THE SMALL SACRIFICES that I have to make as part of the journey. Personal inventory A personal inventory is a way to store up our vision. Habakkuk 2:2 says write the vision down. Though it tarry’s, it shall surely come to pass. Write it so that whoever reads it may run with it/ facilitate your attaining of that vision. Keep a personal inventory in a journal. This is among the questions you may ask yourself as you do so. 1.What is my calling? †¢The thing is to find ideas which allow me to power all my experiences, gifts and talents, all my wisdom and knowledge A calling is a duty to which one attaches special importance and devotes special care. It must be strong enough to allow me to combine a)Talent harnessed by discipline b)Passion paired with hard work c)Love united with commitment d)Consistency which wipes away complacency If you are leaving your calling, you exude an enjoyment and connection to the gifts that transcends the recognition, fame and fortune you may receive for expressing those talents. †¢If you find the thing which you can do for free, simply for the fulfillment of doing it, you have found your calling.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Effects of Theatre Arts on Emotional Intelligence

Effects of Theatre Arts on Emotional Intelligence This study has attempted to examine the impact that an individuals involvement in Theatre Arts has on his or her Emotional Intelligence (EI). The hypothesis in the present research is thus, there is a positive relationship between ones involvement in theatre arts and their emotional intelligence. Participants of this study were residents of Bangalore city, India (N=80). The scale which was employed in this research to administer on the sample was the Emotional Intelligence Scale, developed by Anukool Hyde, Sanjyot Pethe and Upinder Dhar. The findings of the study were such that individuals who have been active participants of theatre arts had a higher EI (M=138.67) than those individuals who were not exposed to the theatre arts (M=129.65). These results indicate that exposure to, participation in and the understanding of the theatre arts is highly useful in emotional, and hence mental well-being. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND THEATRE ARTS Emotional intelligence (EI) is defined by Cooper and Sawaf (1997) as the ability to sense, understand and effectively apply the power and acumen of emotions as a source of human energy, information, connection and influence. It comprises of the power to perceive accurately, evaluate and express emotions; the ability to comprehend emotions and emotional knowledge and intellectual growth. It also is characterized by- self awareness, mood management, self motivation, empathy, managing relationships. The most extensively recognized definition of emotional intelligence, is that given by Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer, who have been leading researchers in the field, and is defined as the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor ones own and others feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide ones thinking and actions (1990). What popularized the study of emotional intelligence is the publication of Golemans bestselling Emotional Intelligence in 1995. This model introduced by Daniel Goleman places its focus on leadership performance guided by a large collection of competencies and skills by means of emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1988). Golemans model demarcates four main EI constructs, namely, self-awareness, which is the ability to construe ones emotions and understand their influence while using intuitions and instincts to direct decisions; self-management, that which has to do with controlling ones emotions and impulses and adjusting in new situations; social awareness, the ability to discern, comprehend, and respond to others emotions; and relationship management, the ability to motivate, influence, and develop others while dealing with difficult situations (Bradberry, Travis and Greaves, Jean, 2009). The origins of this subject can be traced back to Darwins work on the importance of emotional expression for survival (Bar-On, 2006). In The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals (1872), Darwin put forth that human emotional expressions have an adaptive and survival value, and that this feature has its consequences in its evolution. However, he posited that there are some human reactions which are not of significant survival value now, but were in the past, and that this, coupled with a similarity of emotional expression among all human beings suggests a common descent from an earlier pre-human ancestor (Encyclopaedia of Psychology, n.d.). In the twentieth century, publications began appearing with the work of Edward Thorndike on social intelligence in 1920, which described the skill of understanding and managing other people (Bar-On, 2006). Many of these early studies focused on describing, defining and assessing socially competent behaviour (Chapin, 1942; Doll, 1935; Moss Hunt, 1927; Moss et al., 1927; Thorndike, 1920). This was then followed by studies on the influence of non-intellectual factors on intelligent behaviour, by D Wechsler (as cited in Bar-On, 2006) and the concept of multiple intelligences as put forth by Howard Gardner in 1983 (Smith M.K., 2002). In the recent years the study of emotional intelligence has escalated. Research includes areas ranging from emotional intelligence and its relationship with work place and social competencies to its influence on a healthy and productive life as such (Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, . For example, emotional intelligence has become increasingly popular as a measure for identifying potentially effective leaders, and as a tool for developing effective leadership skills (Palmer, Walls, Burgess, Stough, Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 2001). In the study mentioned, emotional intelligence correlated with several components of transformational leadership suggesting that it may be an important component of effective leadership. In particular emotional intelligence may account for how effective leaders monitor and respond to subordinates and make them feel at work. Further in a study conducted by the Center for Creative Leadership, in the USA, individual scores as obtained by a multi-rater feedback tool called Benchmarks were compared to self-reported emotional intelligence as measured by the BarOn EQ-I, and the findings were that key leadership skills and perspectives are related to aspects of emotional intelligence and the absence of emotional intelli gence was related to career derailment (Leadership Skills and Emotional Intelligence, Center for Creative Leadership,, 2003). The study of emotional intelligence has been of high momentum in the field of healthcare as well. In the year 2000, study conducted by Joseph Cairochi, Frank P. Deane and Stephen Anderson, Department of Psychology, University of Wollongong, Australia, hypothesized that EI would make a unique contribution to understanding the relationship between stress and three important mental health variables, depression, hopelessness, and suicidal ideation. This was a cross-sectional study where university students were required to evaluate their life-stress, objective and self-reported emotional intelligence, and mental health. One of the findings revealed that stress was associated with greater suicidal ideation among those low in managing others emotions (MOE). MOE was shown to be statistically different from other relevant measures, suggesting that EI is highly essential in understanding the link between stress and mental health. Emotional Intelligence and Alexithymia- Alexithymia- literally without words for emotions, in Greek- was a term originally coined by psychotherapist Peter Sifneos in 1973 in order to describe a state of deficiency in understanding, processing or describing emotions (Bar-On Parker, 2000, p40-59, Taylor ,1997, p28-31). Alexithymia is defined by many factors, such as, difficulty identifying feelings and distinguishing between feelings and the bodily sensations of emotional arousal; difficulty describing feelings to other people; constricted imaginal processes, as evidenced by a paucity of fantasies; a stimulus-bound, externally oriented cognitive style. (Taylor,1997, p29). Logically, one would expect an inverse relation between the constructs of alexithymia and emotional intelligence. This expectation has been supported in the literature. Schutte et al (1998) found that in a sample consisting of University students, a self-report measure of emotional intelligence (the Self Report Emotional Intelligence Test) was significantly inversely correlated with the Toronto Alexithymia Scale, which was used as the standard measure for alexithymia . Research with larger community samples has particularly found significant associations. For example, Parker, Taylor, and Bagby (2001) found a strong negative correlation between the Emotion Quotient Inventory and the TAS in a sample of 734 community members (Stys, Brown, 2004, A Review of the Emotional Intelligence- Literature and Implications for Corrections, 28). According to Johanna Vanderpol (n.d.)- author, speaker, coach and workshop provider in emotional intelligence and emotional well-being, Canada- art and play, which are forms of emotional expression, are the essential ways in which individuals, especially young children, expand their abilities and master their environment, further stating that emotional expression is but a part of developing emotional intelligence. One such study presented a series of experiential exercises designed to use visual arts and poetry in classroom settings to increase students awareness and recognition of emotion-two key components of emotional intelligence (Morris, Urbanski, Fuller, 2005). In a study titled Emotional Intelligence and the Performing Arts: Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries, an experiential training program that employed the Ability Model of emotional intelligence (Salovey and Mayer, 1990, 1997) was combined with performing arts and drama therapy to create a workshop program, whose aim was to increase the awareness of the role of emotions in working life, and provided interactive learning opportunities to engage with complicated emotional dilemmas arising from their leadership roles. Survey results from the workshops and a focus-group at three months follow-up revealed that participants used the learning experience of the workshop to address and resolve specific leadership challenges in their role (Rauk er, Skinner, Bett, 2009). The current study attempts to show a relationship between emotional intelligence and ones involvement in the Theatre Arts. Theatre, or Drama, as it is more commonly known, is the most integrative of all the arts: it can and often does, include singing, dancing, painting, sculpture, storytelling, puppetry, music, poetry and of course, the art of acting (Snow, DAmico, Tanguay, 2003, p73). Also it has been of wide contention that there is an innate healing function in theatre which goes all the way back to its origins in human culture (Bates, 1988; Emunah, 1994; McNiff, 1988; Pendzik, 1988; Snow, 1996). A wide range of study has been done on the influence of drama on psychological well being and the role it plays in psychotherapy, hence giving rise to the concept of Drama Therapy. Drama therapy is one of the several expressive or creative art therapies among which are art therapy, dance/movement therapy, music therapy, poetry therapy and psychodrama, concerning the therapist and the cli ent who attempt to evaluate their life experiences as they engage in a largely creative process, in this case through the media of drama and theatre (Landy, 2006, p135). One such drama therapy technique that has been studied is Dramatic Resonances. This method is based on the creative responses that participants offer from within dramatic reality to an input posed from outside dramatic reality (Pendzik, 2008, p217). Further, therapeutic theatre has been a growing field and which is an approach that involves a therapeutic development of a play and its presentation in front of an audience (Pendzik, 2008). It is defined as the therapeutic development of a play in which the roles are established with therapeutic goals in mind; the whole process of play production is, in fact, a form of group psychotherapy; it is all facilitated by a therapist skilled in drama; and finally the play must be performed for a public audience (Snow, DAmico, Tanguay, 2003, p73). However, according to Robert J. Landy, though the field of drama therapy has been growing by the numbers, university-based training programs in the USA are inadequate (Landy, 2006). This trend could be an indicator of a potential consequent decline in the study of this field. This paper aims to encourage a positive shift from such a trend and bring about a focus on an increasing awareness and attestation of the constructive relationship between Drama and emotional intelligence. Considering the significant research that has gone into the relationship between emotional well-being and the theatre arts, largely in the West, this study attempts to investigate the prevalence of a positive relationship between a thorough involvement in the Theatre Arts and emotional intelligence, among individuals residing in a theatre-active city in India. The study is conducted by means of a questionnaire that is based on the Emotional Intelligence Scale, as completed by a total of 120 individuals, all of whom reside in Bangalore, India, a city acclaimed for its active involvement in the theatre arts. Methodology Participants The study was conducted by means of a standardized questionnaire, viz. the Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS), as completed by a total of 80 individuals, all of whom reside in Bangalore, India, a city acclaimed for its active involvement in the theatre arts. Of these 80 individuals, 40 belong to the control group. This group consists of individuals who have not been exposed to the theatre arts. Of these 40 individuals, 20 belong to the age group of 20-25 years (M age-group= 21.5) while the rest belong to the age group of 30-35 years (M age-group= 32). The experimental group consists of 40 individuals who have been active members of theatre associations across the city. Of these 40 individuals, 20 belong to an age group of 30-35 years (M age-group=32.5); while the rest belong to an age-group of 20-25 years (M age-group=21.5). Ethical concerns were met with, as the participants were informed of the purpose of the study, were made to sign a consent form before participating in the study and were assured of confidentiality. Materials The questionnaire used was a standardized Emotional Intelligence Scale developed by Anukool Hyde, Upender Dhar Sanjyot Pethe, in the year 2001, published by Vedant Publications, Lucknow and consisted of 34 questions based on the Likert scale, in a way that the participant was asked to respond to each statement-question by choosing one of the five options- Strongle Agree, Agree, Uncertain, Disagree, Strongly Disagree. Design This study fundamentally deals with two variables which are involvement in the theatre arts and emotional intelligence, the dependent variable being emotional intelligence and the independent variable being involvement in theatre arts. Of the 80 individuals, 40 belonged to the control group, consisting of individuals who have not been exposed to the theatre arts. The experimental group consists of 40 individuals who have been active members of theatre associations across the city. Of these 40 individuals, 20 belong to an age group of 30-35years and have had experience in one or more of the various aspects of theatre such as acting, directing, story-telling, music, etc for a minimum of 10 plays; while the rest belong to an age-group of 20-25 years and have similarly participated in a minimum of 5 plays so far. This division of age groups was employed with an aim to represent a growth in the groups emotional intelligence. Procedure The experimental group was obtained at an auditioning program held by Evam, a leading dramatics association in Bangalore, when 40 individuals, some who were auditioning and some organizing, were approached to on a one to one basis, and made to fill out the EIS questionnaire each. Demographic details as their age, sex and experience in theatre were taken. The control group consisted of randomly selected individuals who reside Bangalore, and have had no experience of involvement in the theatre arts. They were similarly made to fill out the EIS, along with their respective corresponding details. The entire study was conducted in one city in an attempt to maintain a certain consistency in obtaining the results, and minimising any potential disparity. Results With the raw scores obtained, the statistical analysis that followed included finding out the mean, standard deviation, standard error of the difference between the means of two samples and employing of a non-parametric test as the Mann-Whitney U test. In the results obtained for the Mann-Whitney U test, the z values of sampling distribution of U an U, 2 and 5.68 respectively, were found to be significant at both 0.05 and 0.01 levels. The average mean for the experimental group was 138.67, and for the control group was 129.65. For the experimental group, the value of standard deviation was found to be 8.83. For the control group, the SD obtained was 1.11. In determining the significance of the difference between the two means of the two groups, the standard error obtained was 2.10, for which the z value was found to be 4.29. Thus, the computed z value was found to be significant at both 1% and 5% significance levels. Further, the Mann-Whitney U test was employed to the subgroups under the experimental group in order to show a positive relation between the two. While the z value obtained for U was found to be 1.48, implying insignificant at 0.05 and 0.01 significance levels, the z value obtained for U was 7.85, which meant significant at both 0.05 as well as 0.01 significance levels. Discussion This paper has attempted fundamentally to study the symbiotic relationship between ones involvement in the theatre arts and their emotional intelligence, and how, with time and experience, an increasing involvement in the same renders one to develop greater EI, which in turn implies an increased accuracy in perceiving, appraising, managing and expressing emotions. As Cooper and Sawaf demonstrated in 1997, the characteristic manifests of a high EI include self-awareness, mood management, self motivation, empathy and managing relationships. Thus, through investigating the levels of emotional intelligence of the participating individuals, and inquiring into their experience in the theatre arts, the researcher has arrived at findings which show a positive relationship between the two variables. From examining the results obtained, some of the deductions are, that young adults who involve in the theatre arts as drama (acting), music, story-telling, and direction, tend to have a high emoti onal intelligence as compared to young adults who do not engage in any of the theatre arts; and that with time and experience these individuals could possibly have a propensity to a consistent growth in their EI, again, as compared to individuals of their age, who have had no inclination towards the theatre arts. These two findings could further imply that these individuals would be likely to have more rewarding, productive and successful lives. One more supposition which could be drawn from the results of this study is that these individuals could be liable to do better coping with the stress and setbacks, implying a lowered risk of heart disease, anxiety attacks, psychological distress, sleep problems, high blood pressure, poor immune function, alcoholism, etc (Mikolajczack, Luminet, Menil, 2006; Hunt, Evans, 2002; Trinidad, Johnson, 2000). However, there are some probable challenges that can be posed to these conclusions. The entire study was based in one single city, and the cha llenge in this case is that the theatre-culture may vary from city to city, just as from theatre-group to theatre-group. Therefore, generalizing the results would have to be limited only to the city where the study was conducted. Further, the study did not consider the role gender could play in the relationship between ones EI and their involvement in the theatre arts, as there was no categorization of the two sexes while conducting the study. This could, in fact, entail future experiment on whether gender plays a role in the development of EI, by way of thorough involvement in the theatre arts. Additionally, the researcher has considered the theatre arts as a whole, comprising of its various aspects such as acting, music, story-telling, and direction. The participants of the study belonging to these categories were distributed unequally. Thus, the results obtained in the study are required to be considered generically and cannot be taken into account categorically. Probably, furthe r research could be carried out to study the individual aspects, such as acting, alone, for example, and studying the aspects relationship with the participants emotional intelligence. One possible source of error and an intervening variable could have been the environment of administering the test and the mental set of the participant while filling out the questionnaire. It must be noted that the study was conducted at an auditioning program of a theatre group and that most of the participants of the study had only just finished their turn at the audition. It can be assumed that the mental set of the participant at this stage, could have possibly affected his or her responses in the test. In other words, the participants perception of his or her own performance at the audition, which could either have been positive and affirmative or negative and uncertain of his or her chances to be successful in the attempted task, is likely to have influenced the responses he or she provided in the Emotional Intelligence Scale. A possible remedy for this, to neutralize the effects of the performance at the audition, could be that the researcher could provide the participant with a time-gap of approximately half an hour, following which, the test could be administered, assuming that consequently, the participant is less likely to be influenced by the audition-performance while responding to the given test. In conclusion, this study has successfully investigated the issue it primarily aimed to, and in spite of the potential challenges faced in the deduction of its findings, it has proved the hypothesis that there is a positive relationship between ones involvement in the theatre arts and their emotional intelligence. The findings of the study entail further research in the vast area of psychological health and the creative arts, of which the theatre arts are an integral part, especially in India, as the current study was conducted with an aim to bring about an awareness in the Indian society, of the great advantages of the theatre arts and its positive relationship with psychological well-being.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Matthew and Lukes Modifications :: essays research papers

Matthew and Luke’s Modifications   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The authors of the Gospel According to Matthew, and the Gospel According to Luke made some considerable modifications, deletions, and additions to the Gospel of Mark. To the average reader the changes seem rather significant and one might ask why these changes were made. Well, there are several reasons why these changes were made. For example, the authors wanted to show readers that Jesus was more holy than the original author set him out to be. Also, the authors sought after to express the gospel in, what they thought, were better words to make it appear more authentic. Furthermore the authors of the Gospel According to Matthew and the Gospel According to Luke wanted simply to modify the text because they didn’t see eye to eye with what the original author said.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Beginning with the author of Matthew we can see in the verse of Mark 3.22. It states, â€Å"And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem said, ‘He is possessed by Be-el’zebul, and by the prince of demons he casts out the demons.’† However it is stated in Matthew 12.24 â€Å"But when the Pharisees heard it they said, ‘it is only by Be-el’zebul, the prince of demons, that this man casts out demons.’† The author made this change to specifically show that it was the Pharisees, not the scribes, who thought that Jesus was possessed by the devil. Although, eventually many people believed that Jesus was possessed, I believe that the author modified the text to show that the Pharisees were the ones who originally stated this.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2 An example of the author portraying Jesus as more holy, or God like, occurs in Matthew 17.22. It says, â€Å"As they were gathering in Galilee, Jesus said to them, ‘The Son of man is to be delivered into the hands of men, 17.23 and they will kill him, and he will be raised on the third day.’ And they were greatly distressed. On the other hand, Mark mentions in the verses 9.30-9.32 that Jesus is speaking specifically to his disciples. It also states that they were afraid to ask him, and didn’t understand what was saying about his death. Matthew makes the first change to show that Jesus wants other people to know of his death. Most likely they were other believers and followers of Jesus. It almost like saying that Jesus was not selfish in just telling his disciples of his death, and that he wanted to share it with people who believed in him.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Paper Essay

A Paper Brian Nguyen Austin Community College December 4, 2012 ENGL. 1301 English Composition 1 Should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year? I highly agree anyone who drives drunk and fails a sobriety test should lose their licenses for how much alcohol or illegal drugs the driver consumes. (Ballantyne) This should happen because 40% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers. (Ballantyne) This will make the roads safer and would teach the driver a lesson. Studies indicate that since the law has done this, 800 lives have been saved in a year. Ballantyne) With the law doing this, I agree it’s a good idea for the law to do this because it will make me feel safer when I’m driving on the roads. But especially for my parents and family don’t have to worry about me getting in an accident and getting hurt. I think if anybody suspects a drunk driver on the road, they should call the police and report their licenses plate number and location. A nd the cops will take care of the situation and keep the roads safe. Back in fall 2008, my cousin Joe Nguyen was 18 and picking up two of my other friends from a party out of town.He knew they were intoxicated and couldn’t drive, so he wanted to be safe and pick them up. The drive was around 30 miles out of town and it was 4 am in the morning, he safely picked them up and was on his way back into town. Having only 10 minutes to get into town, he was hit head on with an oncoming car. The other driver was drunk and had been swerving into the opposite lane. The impact of the hit had killed him and injured the other two will serious injury. One having serious scares and the other having brain damage. She didn’t remember what happened and couldn’t recognize who her family was.When I said anybody who fails a breath test I mean anybody. Adult drivers, teenage drivers, and under aged driver should receive the consequences. With the roads with young drivers just like me, they should know better not to drink because they are under aged. But with teens being per pressured from other people when they go to school parties, they need to think about the consequences. But now-a-days, I know for experience that a lot of young teens drink when they go to parties. Just to fit in or their friends will judge them if they don’t drink.Then that’s when they need to say no and walk away. When young teenagers see that their friends and even their family members driving drunk, they think it is okay if they do it also. Once they do it and don’t get caught, they do it again and again until one day they get caught. Officers take zero tolerance towards underage drunk drivers. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) If the under aged driver consumes only a small amount of alcohol, then the driver is fined and his or her licenses is lost for a year. On 2004, a woman named Judith Gubernikoff was at home taking care of her three sons.She helps her father at a fish market and has to go take a 25 mile drive to go wake up her father in Manhattan where he lived. (Kotb) Neville Wells, a 41 year-old man was drink at a night club. He was a big drinker and always drives home drunk. (Kotb) When he left the night club around 3 am at night, witnesses say that his driving could be compared as a blind person behind the wheel. (Kotb) He has driving a minivan that night, and had hit a parked car in a parking lot. (Kotb) Making the car fly in the air and only thing stopping the car was an iron fence. Kotb) Inside the parked car were Judith and her father where they had to be cut out of the vehicle and rushed to the hospital. (Kotb) Wells, the driver of the minivan was okay with only scratches. (Kotb) The doctors were able to save Judith’s father but could save Judith. (Kotb) The doctor said that the power of the impact of the hit had made Judith’s heart burst like water balloon being poked by a needle. (Kotb) Her husband, Geor ge Gubernikoff was doing research about Wells on his record of DWLs. (Kotb) Well’s first DWL was in 1999 and he gotten a fine. Kotb) His second DWL was in 2000 and lost his license for a year. (Kotb) The night of the accident, the report of the breath test said that his blood level was . 22. (Kotb) Which is 3 times the average legal limit and he had about 15 alcoholic drinks. (Kotb) He didn’t get a fine for this accident, he was sent to prison for 17 years for second degree murder. (Kotb) With adults being legal drivers and legal to drink, they shouldn’t be able to drink and drive at the same time. The story of Judith and Neville shows that adults like Neville, should not have a license and shouldn’t be driving period.Even if he isn’t intoxicated with alcohol, he shouldn’t have the privilege of driving. Showing that Americans around the State don’t care about driving drunk and will just do whatever they want to do. That it can lead to death and serious injuries. If you were to be stopped by a cop and arrested for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DUI (Driving under the Influence), then you will have to pay a big fine of expense determined on your licenses and insurance policy. (â€Å"godui. org†) On one if my resources, this website shows people’s opinion on if you drive drunk you should lose your licenses for a year. Debate. org) 85% of the people agreed and 15% disagreed about the driving drunk. (Debate. org) Some of the 85% people say that they should do better than just take away their license for a year. (Debate. org) Some say that their license should be taken away forever. Debate. org (Debate. org) For the people who disagreed had something else to say. They say that the law are being dramatic about the situation and should not spend so much money on something that is not important. (Debate. org) I highly disagree with his comment about being dramatic and stop spending on something that is not important.I think the law is doing a good job and should spend as much money as they can to stop drunk driving. The law may be being too dramatic about this situation, but in my opinion they are just trying to keep the roads safe and making sure driving drunk is being stopped. The laws in Texas about DWI and DUI are different from other states. In other states, on their first offense they only get a fine. But in Texas, on their first DWI, their licenses are lost for a year and a fine is issued too. (T) The judge in Texas sends the driver to DUI School and has to take class depending on how bad their DWI or DUI is. T) Going to DUI School is the ticket on getting your license back and the bad thing about it is you have to pay for each class. (T) With Texas having stricter laws from each other, drivers will not able to get a fine on their first offence. (roisin) DUI School is not as easy as sitting in a class for seven hours and you can get the hours. You have to sit down with a pr ofessional counselor and answer a few questions about their drinking problems. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Depending on the drunk driver, shows how much meetings you have to attend. (â€Å"dwi. om†) It can be up to 4 meetings up to 90 meetings in 90 days, or 28-day residential treatment program, detoxification, or other medical treatment. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The cost of all the fees and bills you get when you drive drunk you have to pay. (â€Å"dwi. com†) First there is the fine you get for driving drunk. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Then you have to pay an additional insurance coverage before you get your licenses back and that can be a lot of money. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The last fine you have to pay is when the state has to re-issue your driver’s licenses.With all the fees and bills you have to pay, the cost will be higher than a regular traffic accident. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Drivers are mostly paying for the cost of damages of the r oad, car, or medical bill of the person he or she injured in an accident. (roisin) So what will happen to the person’s vehicle if they were arrested for a DWI? Well there are a lot of things that can happen to the vehicle. First the officer has an interlock device that locks the car so if the person is trying to make a run for it. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Then the car can ether impounded, confiscated, or sold. â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) With the information I have given you, I hope you agree that drunk drivers should lose their licenses for a year for the safety of others on the road. With innocent people dying from drunk drivers driving on the road, the law should enforce this law around the United States. Work Cited Ballantyne, Coco. â€Å"Roads safer when drunk drivers immediately lose license to kill. .† Science American. Scientific American Inc, 24 2007. Web. 6 Dec 2012. Kotb, Hoda. â€Å"The worst kind of drunk drivers. â⠂¬  NBC news. NBC News. Web. 6 Dec 2012. â€Å"should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year?. † godui. org. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"alcohol alert. † Consequences of drunk driving. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Debate. org. † Society Opinions. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. T, Buddy. â€Å"Alcoholism. about. com. † Penalties for Driving Drunk. Medical Review Board, 28 2012. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Arrested dor DWI in Texas. † dwi. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6 Dec 2012. roisin, . â€Å"yahoo. com. † drunk drivers should lose their licenses for life the first time they are caught. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Dec 2012. A Paper Essay A Paper Brian Nguyen Austin Community College December 4, 2012 ENGL. 1301 English Composition 1 Should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year? I highly agree anyone who drives drunk and fails a sobriety test should lose their licenses for how much alcohol or illegal drugs the driver consumes. (Ballantyne) This should happen because 40% of accidents are caused by drunk drivers. (Ballantyne) This will make the roads safer and would teach the driver a lesson. Studies indicate that since the law has done this, 800 lives have been saved in a year. Ballantyne) With the law doing this, I agree it’s a good idea for the law to do this because it will make me feel safer when I’m driving on the roads. But especially for my parents and family don’t have to worry about me getting in an accident and getting hurt. I think if anybody suspects a drunk driver on the road, they should call the police and report their licenses plate number and location. A nd the cops will take care of the situation and keep the roads safe. Back in fall 2008, my cousin Joe Nguyen was 18 and picking up two of my other friends from a party out of town.He knew they were intoxicated and couldn’t drive, so he wanted to be safe and pick them up. The drive was around 30 miles out of town and it was 4 am in the morning, he safely picked them up and was on his way back into town. Having only 10 minutes to get into town, he was hit head on with an oncoming car. The other driver was drunk and had been swerving into the opposite lane. The impact of the hit had killed him and injured the other two will serious injury. One having serious scares and the other having brain damage. She didn’t remember what happened and couldn’t recognize who her family was.When I said anybody who fails a breath test I mean anybody. Adult drivers, teenage drivers, and under aged driver should receive the consequences. With the roads with young drivers just like me, they should know better not to drink because they are under aged. But with teens being per pressured from other people when they go to school parties, they need to think about the consequences. But now-a-days, I know for experience that a lot of young teens drink when they go to parties. Just to fit in or their friends will judge them if they don’t drink.Then that’s when they need to say no and walk away. When young teenagers see that their friends and even their family members driving drunk, they think it is okay if they do it also. Once they do it and don’t get caught, they do it again and again until one day they get caught. Officers take zero tolerance towards underage drunk drivers. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) If the under aged driver consumes only a small amount of alcohol, then the driver is fined and his or her licenses is lost for a year. On 2004, a woman named Judith Gubernikoff was at home taking care of her three sons.She helps her father at a fish market and has to go take a 25 mile drive to go wake up her father in Manhattan where he lived. (Kotb) Neville Wells, a 41 year-old man was drink at a night club. He was a big drinker and always drives home drunk. (Kotb) When he left the night club around 3 am at night, witnesses say that his driving could be compared as a blind person behind the wheel. (Kotb) He has driving a minivan that night, and had hit a parked car in a parking lot. (Kotb) Making the car fly in the air and only thing stopping the car was an iron fence. Kotb) Inside the parked car were Judith and her father where they had to be cut out of the vehicle and rushed to the hospital. (Kotb) Wells, the driver of the minivan was okay with only scratches. (Kotb) The doctors were able to save Judith’s father but could save Judith. (Kotb) The doctor said that the power of the impact of the hit had made Judith’s heart burst like water balloon being poked by a needle. (Kotb) Her husband, Geor ge Gubernikoff was doing research about Wells on his record of DWLs. (Kotb) Well’s first DWL was in 1999 and he gotten a fine. Kotb) His second DWL was in 2000 and lost his license for a year. (Kotb) The night of the accident, the report of the breath test said that his blood level was . 22. (Kotb) Which is 3 times the average legal limit and he had about 15 alcoholic drinks. (Kotb) He didn’t get a fine for this accident, he was sent to prison for 17 years for second degree murder. (Kotb) With adults being legal drivers and legal to drink, they shouldn’t be able to drink and drive at the same time. The story of Judith and Neville shows that adults like Neville, should not have a license and shouldn’t be driving period.Even if he isn’t intoxicated with alcohol, he shouldn’t have the privilege of driving. Showing that Americans around the State don’t care about driving drunk and will just do whatever they want to do. That it can lead to death and serious injuries. If you were to be stopped by a cop and arrested for DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or DUI (Driving under the Influence), then you will have to pay a big fine of expense determined on your licenses and insurance policy. (â€Å"godui. org†) On one if my resources, this website shows people’s opinion on if you drive drunk you should lose your licenses for a year. Debate. org) 85% of the people agreed and 15% disagreed about the driving drunk. (Debate. org) Some of the 85% people say that they should do better than just take away their license for a year. (Debate. org) Some say that their license should be taken away forever. Debate. org (Debate. org) For the people who disagreed had something else to say. They say that the law are being dramatic about the situation and should not spend so much money on something that is not important. (Debate. org) I highly disagree with his comment about being dramatic and stop spending on something that is not important.I think the law is doing a good job and should spend as much money as they can to stop drunk driving. The law may be being too dramatic about this situation, but in my opinion they are just trying to keep the roads safe and making sure driving drunk is being stopped. The laws in Texas about DWI and DUI are different from other states. In other states, on their first offense they only get a fine. But in Texas, on their first DWI, their licenses are lost for a year and a fine is issued too. (T) The judge in Texas sends the driver to DUI School and has to take class depending on how bad their DWI or DUI is. T) Going to DUI School is the ticket on getting your license back and the bad thing about it is you have to pay for each class. (T) With Texas having stricter laws from each other, drivers will not able to get a fine on their first offence. (roisin) DUI School is not as easy as sitting in a class for seven hours and you can get the hours. You have to sit down with a pr ofessional counselor and answer a few questions about their drinking problems. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Depending on the drunk driver, shows how much meetings you have to attend. (â€Å"dwi. om†) It can be up to 4 meetings up to 90 meetings in 90 days, or 28-day residential treatment program, detoxification, or other medical treatment. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The cost of all the fees and bills you get when you drive drunk you have to pay. (â€Å"dwi. com†) First there is the fine you get for driving drunk. (â€Å"dwi. com†) Then you have to pay an additional insurance coverage before you get your licenses back and that can be a lot of money. (â€Å"dwi. com†) The last fine you have to pay is when the state has to re-issue your driver’s licenses.With all the fees and bills you have to pay, the cost will be higher than a regular traffic accident. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Drivers are mostly paying for the cost of damages of the r oad, car, or medical bill of the person he or she injured in an accident. (roisin) So what will happen to the person’s vehicle if they were arrested for a DWI? Well there are a lot of things that can happen to the vehicle. First the officer has an interlock device that locks the car so if the person is trying to make a run for it. (â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) Then the car can ether impounded, confiscated, or sold. â€Å"Consequences of drunk driving†) With the information I have given you, I hope you agree that drunk drivers should lose their licenses for a year for the safety of others on the road. With innocent people dying from drunk drivers driving on the road, the law should enforce this law around the United States. Work Cited Ballantyne, Coco. â€Å"Roads safer when drunk drivers immediately lose license to kill. .† Science American. Scientific American Inc, 24 2007. Web. 6 Dec 2012. Kotb, Hoda. â€Å"The worst kind of drunk drivers. â⠂¬  NBC news. NBC News. Web. 6 Dec 2012. â€Å"should people who are caught driving drunk lose their licenses for a year?. † godui. org. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"alcohol alert. † Consequences of drunk driving. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Debate. org. † Society Opinions. N. p.. Web. 6 Dec 2012. T, Buddy. â€Å"Alcoholism. about. com. † Penalties for Driving Drunk. Medical Review Board, 28 2012. Web. 6 Dec 2012. . â€Å"Arrested dor DWI in Texas. † dwi. com. N. p. , n. d. Web. 6 Dec 2012. roisin, . â€Å"yahoo. com. † drunk drivers should lose their licenses for life the first time they are caught. N. p. , n. d. Web. 7 Dec 2012.