Friday, December 27, 2019

The Anatomy Of A Standard Marketing Plan - 1943 Words

Since the beginning of time, people have made money by selling a product for a profit. The foundation of our nation is based off successful marketing strategies of our ancestors. Sort of how in today’s marketing society businesses recruit celebrities to endorse their products like Dr. Dre’ endorses Beat’s headphones. Marketing involves more than just physical advertisement; it requires thought about how to attract a customer’s attention and emotions. The anatomy of a standard marketing plan involves hours of strategic planning, organizing, and negotiating, all of which are considered smart business decisions. Traditional marketing is a broad category of ideas and actions that work together for the financial gain of a business. Traditional marketing plans are created under the notion that the bigger budget the bigger the marketing campaign whereas guerilla marketing thrives off of creativity and imagination (Chantiri 2010). When people think of small businesses, places such as local cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s, clothing boutiques, and hair salons often come to mind. For example in Montgomery, AL, Stinger’s Cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ is a relatively new small business within the campus district. Owners of small businesses consider it essential to choose the best and most cost effective marketing strategy to be able to compete with big competitors. Although there are several different ways that marketing can be achieved within a small business, this essay will focus on guerilla marketing. Secrets of SelectingShow MoreRelatedCompany Structure984 Words   |  4 PagesCOMPANY STRUCTURE Organizing structure is considered by many to be â€Å"the anatomy of the organization†, providing a foundation within which the organization functions†. There can be different kinds of organization structure, and firms can change their organization structure by becoming more or less centralized. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

My Life - Original Writing - 1688 Words

After talking to the three sisters about her future and making a wish she wanted to know if it would actually come true she thought on it for a bit and walked home. When she walked home she thought about how tired she was of this place and she could not wait longer. When she got home Nenny was off playing in her room parents doing house work so she walked in her room grabbed her backpack and started packing. Okay so I need clothes, money, journal, and food to start me off she goes and gets all of things ready and walks out while her family is distracted. She walks past the four tall trees and says nothing only her thoughts, past the trees and into the city where there are new exciting things she has never experienced before there are fast†¦show more content†¦This is our break room. Our? Esperanza asks. Yes Jack, You, Maritza, Red, and I, oh and my name is Felix. I have the job already? Yes everything has checked out besides your trouble with the address so until that is abl e to change here is your temporary room. Esperanza shocked and confused on whether she should accept the offer or not, regardless she didn’t have a choice. She smiles and looks to him, Thank you. It’s no problem this has happened before; besides were in desperate need of help here and could use your help. He hands her an apron with the store logo Deine Mutter, as she starts to put it on he says there is a shower next to this break room and they close at 7 so she dose not need to get ready for work now. She takes off the apron, folds it up, and sets it on the couch. It was six thirty and Felix was on his way out, he hands her a key to the shop if you need to leave remember to lock up and the store opens at eight. She smiles, Thank you again. He looks at her and smiles Its no problem especially if I get to see that amazing smile everyday, she looks down and blushes as he chuckles and walks out. She locks the door and walks to the desk to see how it feels to be in an work environment, she looks around there is assorted goods on small isles that are only a foot taller than her. She gets her

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Friend Friendship Good Morning free essay sample

While I was typing my todays speech, It reminds me of a particular Instance in my life that I can never forget. I was called last time to defined what friendship is, I answered; friendship is that you can understand each other despite of your shortcomings, I believed I answered it with respect to the term, but my professor wasnt satisfied of my answer, so then I felt a little bit of depression and shy that an everyday relationship I have, was unable for me to define It.At that night, I got mind war on how should I define friendship once more. Then I came to realize that I can put It on this way. My way of defining friendship, friendship is l know that you would ask for a sheet of paper, instead of not bringing any, I brought a pad of paper. A its a kind of situational conceptualization, but its cute anyway. We will write a custom essay sample on Friend: Friendship Good Morning or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Friendship is a kind of relationship that you build with a person. Its a relationship between two persons regardless of its gender, beliefs, age In a short says no boundaries.As long as both party do understand each other, and capable of creating this relationship called friendship. Friends are anywhere to find, but finding real friends are a challenge that doesnt require you to et when to start and when to mark an end on looking for these realms. It is through life challenges that show you who are willing to stand beside you when things go wrong and you got some downfalls. Friend that stands with you when almost everything turns its back is the time that you can then recognize the importance of having a friend.In our college life, most of us are away of our dearest parents for which we considered not Just as parents that support us financially, make life to us, but a great friend, and the best of all best friends. Far away from parents care, we re alone to fight for our future, and we were injured for some instances, speaking of emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually, and then we were suffering ,and we were anxiously look at the future, and feeling so uncertain, and wondering whether the hope is still there or not.Right at that moment, there is always someone coming to us, help us, cure us, care us, and give us the courage to Insist that hope are still existing, squeezing us to believe, love, and appreciate life to Its fullest. And these people are friends. Before I end up my speech I just want to say that, I love all my rinds, I dont care what kind of character I play in their life. And its really hard to stay sad when your friends try their best to cheers you up. Thank you. /21/13 Friend: Friendship Good Morning By Achievable out my side my definition of friendship and its important not only for my own perspective but for each of us. I hope I am able to make Justice on this. Although this blacksmith off worth keeping friendship. While I was typing my todays speech, it reminds me of a particular instance in my life that I can never forget. I was called last me to define it. At that night, I got mind war on how should I define friendship once ore. Then I came to realize that I can put it on this way.My way of defining not bringing any, I brought a pad of paper. A A its a kind of situational beliefs, age in a short says no boundaries. As long as both party do understand to us, help us, cure us, care us, and give us the courage to insist that hope are still existing, squeezing us to believe, love, and appreciate life to its fullest. And these people are friends. Before I end up my speech I Just want to say that, I love all my friends, I dont care what kind of character I play in their life.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

School Plant Facilities Essay Sample free essay sample

The school could be viewed as an organized environment where educational curricular are interpreted. It is a formal structured organisation which serves as a transitional phase in life between household and the society ( Olabode. 2002 ; Musa. 2004 ; Tabir. 2004 ) . Conversely. the school works harmonizing to Nwokafor and others ( 2001 ) . is the entirety of all things that make up a school system. It involves the physical and material installations in signifier of edifices. school site and the environment that embody the school. Similarly. Charis ( 2001 ) Irele ( 2003 ) . Dimmock ( 2004 ) and Adegoke ( 2005 ) agree that the school workss include the site. the edifice and equipment and this include the lasting constructions like workshop. libraries. schoolrooms. research labs and semi lasting constructions like the educational system itself. Ajayi ( 2001 ) and Ijaduola ( 2008a ) clipped in that the school works demand to be adequately managed in order to guarantee both effectivity and efficiency of the system. Therefore. school works planning is the procedure of positioning school installations in a comfy topographic point where educational activities could be achieved. We will write a custom essay sample on School Plant Facilities Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Adeyemi ( 2006 ) besides referred to school works planning as the procedure of direction. building. use and care of school installations to guarantee end accomplishment. Banuso ( 2003 ) highlighted educational parts as perishable or non-perishable. consumable or non-consumable. movable or immoveable. touchable for learning and larning to take topographic point in an atmosphere conducive for the realisation of the exalted aims of the national policy on instruction. In a nutshell. Olaniyomi ( 2007 ) divided school workss into seven classs with their constituent elements as follows: ( I ) Buildings – Instructional. administrative. circulation convenience and accoutrements. ( two ) Machinery – Workshop. machines and doubling machines. ( three ) Transports – Vehicles. i. e. school coach. staff coach. tractors etc. ( four ) Equipment – Laboratory and workshop equipment. featuring equipment. learning AIDSs. computing machine. ( V ) Furniture – tabular arra y. desks. bookshelves. ( six ) Books – Library books. ( seven ) Utilities – Electricity. H2O supply. communicating system. Nevertheless. school workss be aftering require maximal cooperation and hardwork from a combined squad of the school principal. instructors. pupils and other school forces and the community. The common end of operation and care as remarked by Ojedele ( 2008 ) is to maintain physical workss in the best possible status at all clip. Thuis the importance of school works care as identified by Olagboye ( 2008 ) include: 1. Proper care of school works ensures safety for those busying the school edifice. 2. It facilitates learning and larning procedure. 3. It saves costs. This is because reactivating a collapsed edifice may be more than to do early fixs on the edifice. 4. It ensures the suitableness of school works for continued usage because fixs and replacing of assorted equipment make such equipment to be in good form. 5. It reduces pupil agitation and presentation because pupils can protest or show when school wo rkss are non good maintained e. g. lavatory installations. hapless electricity etc. In position of the aforesaid importance of school works care. Anderson ( 2004 ) ; Abe. ( 2007 ) and Ijaduola ( 2008b ) advised that professionals in the country of architecture and technology should be involved in planning of the school works right from the initial phase as each professional has alone expertness to lend towards effectual and efficient school works. The importance of school works planning in the development of an effectual educational programme at all degree of the educational system ; peculiarly at the secondary school can non be overemphasized. The attainment of an effectual instruction and acquisition is hence closely related to the location of the school. the organisation and agreement of the physical constructions and other educational installations in the school ( Adepoju and Akinwunmi. 2001 ; Amosun. 2002. Ojerinde. 2004. Massachusetts. 2005 and Fehintola. 2009 ) . Kolawole ( 2000 ) . Abdulkareem ( 2003 ) . Usaa ( 2008 ) . Ijaduola ( 2008b ) and Abayomi ( 2009 ) remarked that the physical visual aspects and general status of school installations are the dramatic bases upon which many parents and friends of educational establishment make their initial opinion about the qualities of what goes on in the school. They all agreed that schools with good coordinated works planning and care pattern. recorded better pupils public presentation be they in rural or urban schools. Academic public presentation harmonizing to Adu. Ojelabi and Adeyanju ( 2009 ) can merely be viewed as an result of all academic undertakings or cogencies of a individual which could be ill or successfully stated. As noted by Ijaduola ( 2008d ) . academic public presentation can non be gingered in pupils if they are discouraged. Teachers are expected to meaningfully lend to student’s academic public presentation. A weighty academic public presentation of a pupil is sometimes attributed to higher teachers’ efficiency. Consequently. educational stakeholders should measure students’ academic public presentation with the purpose of rectifying or rectifying their loopholes. Kolawole ( 200 ) . Adepoju and Akinwunmi ( 2001 ) and Fehintola ( 2009 ) studied school works planning in relation to academic public pre sentation of secondary school pupils in different countries. They used the factor of location of school. use and care as step of school works planning and used the consequences in NECO and WAEC as the steps of academic public presentation. They found that schools that are good planned and maintained had higher student academic public presentation than others. Similarly. Babatunde ( 2008 ) compared the academic public presentation of JSS and SSS pupils utilizing the steps of school works planning. The result of his survey clearly indicated that pupils used as his instance survey performed good irrespective of their academic degree. This is a clear grounds that the accomplishment of the overall ends and aims of educational system revolves around the ability of scholar to tap the assorted chances offered by the school and its environment. One of the chances offered by the school is the school works. This. possibly is why Ijaduola and Agbajeola ( 2009 ) argued that the quality and measure of the educational installations available within an educational system have positive relationship with the criterion and quality of the educational system. However Olakoya ( 2004 ) . Uya ( 2004 ) . and Ijaduola ( 2007 ) contended that in an educational environment like a secondary school. it is incontestable that installations such as furniture. research lab equipment and stuff have great influence in the instruction and learning procedure ; because without them the empty edifices and structures no affair how attractive they are can non be used for educational intent. Hence. school works planning is no uncertainty an indispensable portion of educational planning without which students’ academic public presentation can non be enhanced. It is against the foregoing background information that this survey was embarked upon to: set up the relationship between school works planning and secondary school students’ academic public presentation ascertain the influence of school works planning and academic public presentation of rural and urban secondary school pupils ; and place the extent to which school works be aftering impact on the academic public presentation of JSS and SSS pupils. Hypothesiss The undermentioned nothing hypotheses were developed to fly the survey and tested at 0. 05 degree of assurance that: 1. There will be no important relationship between school works planning and secondary school students’ academic public presentation. 2. There will be no important relationship between school works planning and academic public presentation of rural urban secondary school pupils. 3. There will be no important relationship between school works planning and academic public presentation of JSS and SSS pupils. Method The descriptive study research design of ex-post-facto was used in this survey. 800 schoolroom instructors purposively selected from secondary schools in the four geo-political zones of Ogun State participated in the survey. The choice was in these orders. ( I ) 400 male instructors and 400 female instructors. ( two ) 400 urban school instructors and 400 rural schools. ( three ) 400 JSS instructors and 400 SSS instructors. A 21-item. four points Likert-type questionnaire called: School Plant Planning and academic Performance Questionnaire ( SPPAPQ ) developed by the research workers constituted the chief instrument used for informations aggregation. The questionnaire consisted of two subdivisions ( A A ; B ) . Section A comprised general information e. g. name of school. sex of respondent. school location. type of school i. e. JSS/SSS. local authorities country etc. Section B contained inquiries on school workss be aftering. and the extent to which the latter affects students’ academic public presentation. The undermentioned corresponding tonss were used as evaluation graduated table for the teachers’ responses: Strongly Agree ( SA ) 4 points ; Agree ( A ) 3 points. Disagree ( D ) 2 points. Strongly Disagree ( SD ) 1 point. The concept and content proof of the research instrument were done by four experts in research. The inquiry points were reviewed and any point non approved by three out of the four specializers was discarded. Therefore. points were re-worded in melody with the corrections/suggestions made by the experts. Following a test-retest intervention within two hebdomads interval. the graduated table recorded a chrombach alpha of 0. 84. The questionnaire were personally administered to the respondents utilizing the chance of learning pattern exercising traveling on so. Collected informations were analysed utilizing the Pe arson merchandise minute correlativity coefficient at 0. 05 degree of significance. Consequences Ho1: There will be no important relationship between school works planning ( SPP ) and academic public presentation of secondary school pupils. As shown in table 1. the r-value of 0. 427 is a positive value bespeaking that there is a positive influence of school planning on academic public presentation. The significance. 0. 01 which is less than 0. 05 portrays that the consequence is important. As a consequence the nothing hypothesis earlier posited is rejected. Hence. there will be a important relationship between school works planning and secondary school students’ academic public presentation. Ho2: There will be no important relationship between school works planning ( SPP ) and academic public presentation of rural and urban secondary school pupils. The r-value. -0. 034. is a negative value. This indicates that irrespective of school type. pupils will execute good provided the school works planning ( SPP ) is brilliant. The significance 0. 522 which is greater than 0. 05 shows that the consequence is non important. Therefore. the hypothesis that there will be no important relationship between SPP and academic public presentation of rural and urban secondary school pupils is upheld. Ho3: There will be no important relationship between school works planning ( SPP ) and academic public presentation of JSS pupils and SSS pupils. Analysis of studentship variable indicated a non-significant relationship between SPP and academic public presentation. This is because the r-value 0. 032 is a negative value. The significance. 0. 573 which is greater than 0. 05 shows that the consequence is non important. Hence the void hypothesis that there will be no important relationship between SPP and academic public presentation of JSS and SSS pupils is retained. Discussion of findings The first hypothesis tested in the survey postulated that there will be no important relationship between school works planning and secondary school students’ academic public presentation. However. analysis of informations established a important relationship between the variables under consideration. This determination aligns with the earlier surveies of Adepoju and akinwunmi ( 2001 ) . Amosun ( 2002 ) . Ojerinde ( 2004 ) . Massachusetts ( 2005 ) and Fehintola ( 2009 ) which heralded the significance of school works planning in the development of an effectual educational programme at all degree of the educational system with peculiar mention to the secondary school degree. As their several surveies revealed. the realisation of an effectual instruction and acquisition is non unconnected with location of the school. the organisation and agreement of the physical constructions and other educational installations in the school. Again. this determination agreements with the earlier entry of Kolawole ( 2000 ) . Abdulkareen ( 2003 ) . Usask ( 2008 ) . Ijaduola ( 2008c ) and Abayomi ( 2009 ) visual aspects and general status of school installations constitute the yardstick with which stakeholders make opinion and step the qualities of all that goes on in the school governments. These five aforementioned research workers besides agreed that school with co-ordinated works planning and care pattern recorded better pupil academic public presentation be they in rural or urban locations. This contention buttresses the 2nd hypothesis which states that there will be no important relationship between school works planning and academic public presentation of rural and urban secondary school pupils. In the same vena. the 3rd hypothesis which states that there will be no important relationship between school works planning and academic public presentation of JSS and SSS pupils was upheld. This determination is in melody with the plants of Kolawole ( 2000 ) . Adepoju and Akinwunmi ( 2001 ) and Fehintola ( 2009 ) which established a similar relationship school works planning and students’ public presentations in NECO and WAEC scrutinies utilizing location of school. use and care as indices of school works planning and the consequences in both scrutinies as yardstick of academic public presentation. Traveling by their findings. schools that were good planned and maintained recorded impressive academic public presentation than others. Finally. the same research result emerged in a survey conducted by Babatunde ( 2008 ) who compared the academic public presentation of JSS and SSS pupils utilizing the steps of school works planning earlier referred to. The determination of Babatundes’ survey is a clear manifestation of the cardinal fact that accomplishment of the overall ends and aims of educational system lingers to a big extent on learner’s ability to tap and use the distinguishable chances offered by the school and its environment. Recommendation The undermentioned recommendations are advanced towards bettering the school works planning and care with a position of heightening the academic public presentation of secondary school pupils: First. educational contrivers. directors and decision makers should escalate attempts at guaranting that equal proviso is made in the budget for more proviso of school workss. Secondary schools should be supplied with electricity. This is indispensable because there are so many educative electronic appliances that could heighten learning and larning. However. the demand for school works care should be portion of the orientation programme given to pupils. instructors and decision makers in the educational system. As an outgrowth of the above. the care of the bing school installations should be kept in position so that they can go on to function their intent until there are new 1s. Educational contrivers. parents. authorities and altruists must see to the well being of the school because the end product of the school system determines the school because the end product of the school system determines the hereafter of the societies. On concluding note. authorities should see instruction as the key to human development and the quickest and likely the best avenue to a comfy and rewarding life. Consequently. immense portion of authorities budget should be allocated for supplying school workss and installations. Mentions Abayomi. R. A. O. ( 2009 ) . A practical attack to effectual use and care of physical installations in secondary schools. African Journal of Educational Planning and Policy Studies. 7 ( 2 ) . 204-216. Abdulkareem. A. Y. ( 2003 ) . An analysis of school works care patterns in Kwara Statestation primary schools. Journal of Studies in Education. 4 ( 2 ) . 102-113. Abe. Z. A. ( 2007 ) . Management and care in usage of educational edifice and equipment. Teacher Education Quarterly. 33 ( 3 ) . 96-107. Adegoke. N. O. ( 2005 ) . An assessment of vocational and proficient instruction programme at the secondary school degree in Nigeria. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 12 ( 3 ) . 63-75. Adepoju. T. L. and Akinwunmi. F. S. 92001 ) . Location of secondary schools as a factor in finding academic public presentation of pupils. Ibadan Journal of Educational Studies. 1 ( 2 ) . 401-412. Adeyemi. T. O. ( 2006 ) . Pull offing students’ crisis in secondary schools in Ekiti State. Nigeria: A critical analysis. Sokoto Educational Review. 8 ( 2 ) 43-60. Adu. E. O. . Ojelabi. S. A. and Adeyanju. H. I. 92009 ) . Organizational clime as correlatives of students’ academic accomplishment in secondary school economic sciences in Oyo State. Nigeria. Journal of Applied Education and Vocational Research. 7 ( 1 ) . 65-71. Ajayi. A. E. ( 2001 ) . Human resources direction in the civil service. Paper presented at the senior staff seminar. Ministry of Education. Ado-Ekiti. Thursday. 1st March. Amosun. P. A. ( 2002 ) . Performance in senior secondary school geo