Monday, February 24, 2020

Staffing Organization for a Gourmet Coffee Shop Assignment

Staffing Organization for a Gourmet Coffee Shop - Assignment Example I am planning to initiate a gourmet coffee shop next to a college campus in Washington, DC. During the week days, hours of operation will be from 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. and start at 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on weekends. The coffee shop is planning to have 3 store managers and 10 coffee servers. Below is my first part of the Staffing Organization that contains ways I plan to staff and manage the business for the next 3 years, and run it profitably. 1 The type of relationship I will establish between the coffee shop and employees from a legal perspective affects the duration that I will have them in the coffee shop. I will apply the indefinite duration employment contract in recruiting workers. They will have to sign a contract that defines their existence in the shop. In this contract, their continuous offering of service will be intended to last for an indefinite time (Smith & Smith, 2012). The contract has rights and responsibility that have to be followed and adhered to, for exampl e, the right to be informed when being terminated. I believe employees will work to their perfection to avoid losing a job. The type of relationship will augment the coffee shop’s profit. I will not be subjected to pay employees fixed amount of money for duration, but for efforts put in the business (Smith & Smith, 2012). ... The employment policies that define the salaries, promotions and hiring of employment are audited frequently to find out whether they are advantageous to workers. I will make sure that all information on promotion opportunities of the company reaches every employee. I will make an effort of identifying and removing barriers that deter a leave or absence from work so that employees can relax when needed (Carroll & Buchholtz, 2010). I will create effectual communication field with employees where they can air out their issues openly to be looked at. Lastly, I will train and promote hard working staffs to a higher echelon; hence, encourage them to put more efforts in their work. 3 External factors hindering staffing of the coffee shop include the modern complex technology that requires extensive and intensive edification to operate them efficiently (Koontz & Weihrich, 2007). The public is an external factor that hinders staffing since workers are required to adhere to high ethical stand ards when dealing with the public. Legal and political constraints affect staffing of coffee shop since they are obliged to follow government laws that guide the business operation. Recruiting and selecting workers is an external factor influencing staffing since it is difficult to get hardworking workers who are profit oriented (Koontz & Weihrich, 2007). Competition is a core factor that affects staffing. I will want to have innovative workers who make business boom and became a top class coffee shop. Lastly, the trade unions affect the staffing because of their requirements they want business organization to possess. 4 The plan will involve, analyzing the current labor supply, forecasting

Friday, February 7, 2020

Organizational Philosophies and Technology paper Essay

Organizational Philosophies and Technology paper - Essay Example But with the more recent technological developments as well as reduced trade blockades, growth in trade is definitely on the rise. Developing counties have also stepped on this bandwagon, extracting the best out of their own respective economies through trade internationally as well as locally - within the country. The integration of trade into the world economy has really proved helpful for the developing countries as they can promote economic growth, development as well as poverty reduction within themselves. Companies which are ready to use technology are thus the ones who have found success in all relevant quarters of their business. With this technological incorporation, they have been able to look at the ethical side of things as well since the moral grounds have been set in a proper manner and there are as such no apprehensions to state the least in the present times. A business can move from a position of stability to one of a complete unstable stance as it acquires different means of gathering the market and its driving factors that come along with it. The firm has to change its position with the changing times otherwise it will literally vanish away from its competitors and more so the customers, for which it actually exists. It must bring about technological innovations so as to meet the ethical guidelines and best practices which are geared up to make it sound, look and eventually feel different from the rest of the lot and in the long run, have a selling proposition in it and in its products that help it in winning the customers time and time again. The work culture can be developed in a manner which suits the interests of the organization in the best form possible. For this to happen, it is necessary to understand that technology has got an immense role to play in the related equation. We must understand that we live in a global world where technology has of late been instrumental at dramatically changing the way we perceive the events