Friday, May 15, 2020

SWOT Analysis of Fox Car Rental, Inc. Essay - 1621 Words

In this argument I will be focusing on Fox Car Rental, Inc. as the basis for a systematic analyses of the organization, as I identify the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the existence of the organization and its operations. Also, I will be providing three pitfalls to strategic management. In order to facilitate my argument, the use of a strategic matrix analyses will be utilized. Fox Car Rental, Inc. Fox Car Rental, Inc. began its operation in Los Vegas, Nevada, and quickly expanded their operations in many other states such as, Florida, North Carolina, Oregon, Utah, Montana, Washington, Utah, and Hawaii to mention a few. This organization has even gone beyond the host country’s location and have erected†¦show more content†¦Approach SWOT S.W.O.T Environmental Analyses Higher Capability/ Increased Revenue Additional control of important factors Research for in the environment. Fox Car Rental, Inc. Project. External Environment Environment Strategic Factors Internal Environment Bozac, Tipuric argues that, â€Å"the SWOT analysis shows the strengths and weaknesses of the internal organization along with the opportunities or weaknesses of the external environment† (Bozac, and Tipuric, 2008, pg. 1). SWOT Analyses of Fox Car Rental, Inc. Strengths. The strengths of Fox Car Rental, Inc. is based upon the management and leadership qualities of the organization’s capabilities, effectiveness, cultures, and management. Credit cards, Debit cards, and Cash. 1. Fox Car Rental, Inc. accepts credit cards, debit cards, and cash deposits; this puts the organization at the forefront of its competitors since, mostShow MoreRelatedWhat Happened to Circuit City6945 Words   |  28 Pagespaper is to review research conducted on the topic of strategic management and then apply that research to a recent situation that occurred within an organization. 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